Abdumajid Hakimzoda appointed as the Head of Information and Analytical Department in the Office of the Chairman of Dushanbe city

DUSHANBE, 25.01.2017 /NIAT “Khovar”/. By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Abdumajid Hakimzoda was relieved of his post as Director of State institution TV Channel “Jahonnamo” in connection with transfer to other job.
As NIAT “Khovar” has been reported at the local executive body of state authority of Dushanbe city, Abdumajid Hakimzoda has been appointed as the Head of Information and Analytical Department of the Administration of the Chairman of Dushanbe city.
We will recall that Abdumajid Hakimzada from 2008 to January 23, 2017 has worked as the Director of the State institution TV Channel “Jahonnamo”. He is the author of several TV programs and documentary films, as well he trained at such TV companies as CNN, RTR and “Al Jazeera”.
He was awarded with the honorary title “Honored Worker of Tajikistan”, order “Red Star”, medal “For Meritorious Service”, as well as other state and departmental awards. Since 2011 he is a full member of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio.