President Emomali Rahmon Commissiones Sewing and Handicraft Workshop in Urmetan Village Community of Ayni District
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DUSHANBE, 05.07.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – On July 5, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in Urmetan village community, Ayni district, put into use a modern sewing and handicraft workshop, which is considered one of the planned facilities dedicated to the 35th anniversary of state independence.
This workshop was built on an area of 195 square meters. With the increase in the population, the construction and operation of production facilities, especially in remote villages, and the creation of the necessary infrastructure are the needs of the time, and they contribute to the implementation of the goals of the Government of the country, including the five years of industrial development.
This initiative was taken by the patriotic businessman Maruf Meliev with the support of the Executive body of state authority of Ayni district.
The foundation works on the facility started in May 2023, and it was built with high quality and put into operation. The sewing and handicraft workshop is equipped with 16 sewing machines, decorative devices and other necessary equipment.
Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon was informed that 20 local young men and women have been provided with well-paid jobs after opening this workshop, and favorable working conditions have been created for those who wish to become entrepreneurs.
Honorable President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, while familiarizing himself with the working conditions and speaking with the elders, praised the quality of the completed works and assessed the generosity of the young businessman in supporting the constructive initiatives of the Government of the country as good and effective.
The sewing and handicraft workshop prepares school uniforms, medical uniforms, a variety of women’s and men’s clothing, wedding and festive clothing, and home furnishings for homes and businesses according to customer requests.
The Head of State expressed his gratitude to the artists for their constant support of the Government’s actions and guided them to make entrepreneurs of the young generation and increase the taste for beauty in this segment of the society.
In connection with this, the women of Urmetan village community of Ayni district expressed their gratitude for the constant support and care of the state and the Government of the country and the creation of working conditions in remote areas. They promised that they will continue to follow the policy of the great Leader of the Nation and will contribute to the revival of folk art and its presentation to the world.