Emomali Rahmon: “Water-related goals set extremely important and comprehensive tasks for us”

DUSHANBE, 20.09.2017. /NIAT “Khovar”/. The experience gained in the implementation of the Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015, confirms that such decades can be very useful mechanisms to assist in achieving development goals. It was stated by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon on September 19 at his speech in New York at the high-level panel entitled “Towards the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”.
“In the context of presenting our initiative for the next decade, we took into account the fact that on the sustainable development agenda until 2030 the water-related goals set extremely important and comprehensive tasks for us, the implementation of which requires additional measures”, — emphasized the President of Tajikistan.
Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon said that the implementation of these goals and tasks is possible only in case of enhancing cooperation and mobilizing the necessary resources — human, financial, and technical.