A joint board meeting of Tajik and Russian interior ministries held in Dushanbe

A joint board meeting of the interior ministries of Tajikistan and Russia took place today in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Presided over by Tajik Interior Minister Ramazon Rahimzoda and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Kolokoltsev, the meeting discussed issues related to collaboration in fighting extremism, terrorism transnational crime and drug trafficking. The meeting participants also touched upon issues of cooperation between the ministries in searching for criminals evading trial, according to the Tajik Interior Ministry’s website.
Speaking at the meeting, Tajik Interior Minister Ramazon Rahimzoda noted that “due to efforts taken by both ministries a joint fight against crime has been intensified and there is hope that significant progress will be made in the near future.”
When discussing measures to improve the investigative work, representatives of the Ministries positively assessed the accumulated experience of joint actions in this area, including the experience of interstate operation “Search”, improvements in the exchange of investigative, operational and reference, dactyloscopic and other information.
The Russian Minister drew attention to the fact that the meeting was the twentieth since the creation of the Joint Board, which had become an important link in the interstate system for combating crime: “During this time, more than four dozen issues that affect various areas of operational activities have been considered. The necessary regulatory legal framework has been formed. The information exchange has been established. Targeted operations are carried out regularly. Working contacts have been established between our staff members.”
The Chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia stressed that the implementation of the adopted decisions contributed to the improvement of the criminal situation in the territory of the two states and to the strengthening of international partnership. The achieved level of cooperation makes it possible to successfully solve the tasks set.
During the meeting, the work plan of the Joint Board of the Ministries of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan for the next year was approved.