Culture Minister and Indian Ambassador Discuss Publishing and Translating Books by Tajik and Indian Writers
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DUSHANBE, 21.07.2020. (NIAT Khovar) – Today, the Minister of Culture Zulfiya Davlatzoda met with the Indian Ambassador to Tajikistan Viraj Singh.
The parties talked about the publication and translation of books by Tajik and Indian authors, the organization of cultural programs with the involvement of artists from both countries, and the exchange of experiences between art and educational institutions.
Ambassador Singh expressed his respect for Tajik culture and art.
Davlatzoda said that the Tajik people have a special respect for Indian art.
While speaking about the cultural ties between the two countries, she positively assessed the process of cultural relations and stated that she will continue to put effort to further expand cooperation between the two countries in the field of culture and arts.