Somon Air Plans Charter Flights on Dushanbe — Minsk Route
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DUSHANBE, 27.08.2020. (NIAT Khovar) – The Republican COVID-19 Prevention Commission has decided to allow the Somon Air charter flights on August 30 on Dushanbe-Minsk and Minsk-Dushanbe routes.
The Dushanbe-Minsk flight is intended, first of all, for Tajik students studying in Belarus and Ukraine, as well as foreign citizens.
In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asks Tajik students studying in Belarus and Ukraine to take into account the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for entering these countries when planning their departure.
It should be noted that the embassies of Tajikistan in Belarus and Ukraine are ready to provide Tajik students with the necessary assistance in ensuring transit from Minsk to Kiev and other cities of Ukraine. In order to purchase air tickets citizens can contact Somon Air.
Tajik citizens who are in Belarus and Ukraine will be returned home on a charter flight on Minsk – Dushanbe route. In order to be included in the list, interested individuals need to contact Tajik embassies in Minsk and Kiev.
It should be noted that while entering Tajikistan, citizens must have a certificate of the absence of coronavirus infection obtained by testing by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), done no earlier than 96 hours before their arrival. Children under three are exempted from this requirement.