First Deputy FM Attends Online Conference on Violent Extremism Prevention
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DUSHANBE, 26.11.2020 (NIAT Khovar) – Today, the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Khusrav Noziri took part in the high-level online conference Prevention of Violent Extremism in Central Asia: Regional Progress and the Way Ahead, which was organized by the government of Japan and the United Nations Development Program’s Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS.
Noziri expressed his views on the importance of the joint fight against security threats and challenges, including terrorism, extremism and radicalization, and briefed the participants on progress and achievements of Tajikistan in strengthening dialogue aimed at finding an effective solution to eliminate these threats.
Likewise he drew the participants’ attention to the Dushanbe Process on countering terrorism and its financing, as well as international events within the framework of this process.