Dushanbe Hosts National Commission Board Meeting for UNESCO
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DUSHANBE, 29.12.2020 (NIAT Khovar) – Yesterday, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sirojiddin Muhriddin and Assistant to the President Abdujabbor Rahmonzoda chaired a meeting of the Board of the National Commission for UNESCO.
It included a report on the activities of the commission for 2020 and the action plan for 2021.
One of the main tasks of the commission in collaboration with the relevant agencies is to include the country’s tangible and intangible cultural and natural heritage to the UNESCO World Heritage List. This initiative is aimed at promoting, preserving and developing the rich culture of the Tajik people in the world and attracting tourists, which is part of the state policy in the field of culture.
Tajikistan pays special attention to cooperation with UNESCO and fully supports the implementation of projects that make a valuable contribution to the development of education, science, protection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the country and its transmission to future generations.