Over 180 Enterprises, Shops and 4,000 Jobs Created in Tajikistan
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DUSHANBE, 18.07.2022 (NIAT Khovar) – As part of the announcement of the Five Years of Industrial Development in Tajikistan 2022-2026, for the first six months of this year the volume of industrial production reached more than 19 billion somoni, and the growth rate compared to last year amounted to 117.3%, reported Minister of Industry and New Technologies Sherali Kabir.
He added that during this period, 137 enterprises with 1,296 jobs and 47 workshops with 2,501 jobs, a total of 184 enterprises and workshops with 4,000 jobs were built and put into operation. In particular, 42 enterprises have been created in Sughd, 43 enterprises in Khatlon, 30 enterprises in cities and districts of republican subordination, 13 enterprises in Dushanbe, and 9 enterprises in GBAO.
During this period, the volume of financing of fixed capital by types of economic activity in the industry amounted to more than 2.4 billion somoni.
According to Kabir, the analysis shows that the volume of investments in fixed assets increased by more than 39 million somoni compared to the same period last year.
He noted that the enterprises of the mining industry and precious metals during this period produced 6.7 billion somoni worth of products and increased the growth rate to 122.4% or 1.2 billion somoni. This year the industry’s output in the gross industrial product amounted to more than 35%. The Zarafshon, Anzob Metallurgical Company, TBEA LLC, Dushanbe Sanoati Kuhi, and Tilloi Tojik enterprises exceeded the production plan.