Speech by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28)
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Madame Chairperson,
Excellencies, Heads of State and Government,
Ladies and gentlemen!
I would like to express at the outset my profound gratitude to the United Nations and the Government of the United Arab Emirates for organizing this Conference.
The Republic of Tajikistan with 93% of its territory covered by mountains is one of the most vulnerable countries to the climate change consequences, and every year it suffers from floods, landslides, avalanches and other water-related natural disasters.
We annually bear enormous financial and material damage from water-related natural disasters, which in some cases even cause casualties.
To reduce the negative impact of climate change on the social and economic sectors of the country, the Government of Tajikistan is currently implementing the Climate Change Adaptation National Strategy for the period up to 2030.
With the view to achieving the goals of this Strategy we need financial support from the international community, including for capacity building and the transfer of green technologies.
Distinguished participants,
The share of Tajikistan in the amount of greenhouse gas emissions is small, and due to the low amount of such emissions, it ranks the 130th in the world.
It means, that due to the low amount of carbon emission, our country occupies a leading position in the world.
We are also one of the leading countries on the planet in terms of the volume of «green energy» production.
Tajikistan produces 98% of its electricity in hydroelectric power plants and ranks the sixth in the world in terms of the «green energy» produced from renewable sources.
We are determined to double the production capacity of «green energy» in the future as the main engine for promoting the «green economy».
In this context, with the aim of effective use of natural resources and attraction of «green» investment and technologies to the economy, the Tajik Government has adopted and is implementing the «Green Economy Development Strategy» for the years 2023-2037.
In order to ensure food security, Tajikistan takes practical steps forward towards rational use of water and land and cutting-edge technology to increase the agricultural sector’s efficiency.
Madame Chairperson,
Climate change primarily affects water resources.
Degradation of water resources is one of the negative indicators of climate change.
In this process, we clearly witness a rapid melting of glaciers.
In recent decades, the total number of glaciers in Tajikistan, which is 13 thousand and are the source of 60% of the water in our region, has decreased by more than one thousand.
At the initiative of Tajikistan, the UN GA adopted a Resolution on declaring 2025 as the «International Year of Glacier Preservation» and March 21 as «World Glacier Day» and on the establishment of the «International Trust Fund to promote the Glaciers Preservation».
Tajikistan has decided to make its initial financial contribution to this Trust Fund.
We hope that the international community and international organizations will also eagerly contribute to this Fund.
We are convinced, that the international community will spare no efforts to also contribute to the timely implementation of other goals and obligations related to water, especially in implementing the outcomes of the Second UN Water Conference, which was held this March in New York under the presidency of Tajikistan and the Netherlands.
We will continue our efforts to promote and develop cooperation in the implementation of the global water and climate agenda.
Thank you for your attention.