DUSHANBE WATER PROCESS. What Tourist Excursions Will Surprise the Participants of the Water Conference This Year?
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DUSHANBE, 14.05.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – From June 10 through June 13, Dushanbe will host the Third High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028” within the framework of the Dushanbe Water Process.
It is a good opportunity for participants to become familiar with the culture and nature of mountainous Tajikistan, as tourist excursions and events will be organized within the conference.
Chairman of the Committee for Tourism Development Kamoliddin Muminzod told Khovar correspondent what new things guests will be able to see and learn about Tajikistan.
Khovar: What tourist places will be offered to guests within the Third Dushanbe Water Conference?
Kamoliddin Muminzod: A very rich and interesting tourism program is planned as part of the conference. On June 13, an eco-excursion will be organized for all guests and participants.
According to the decision of the Organizing Committee, guests will be offered the following directions:
– Varzob Gorge (Dushanbe – Siyoma)
– Vahdat (Dushanbe – Arkhu – Romit)
— Norak hydroelectric power plant
— Roghun hydroelectric power plant
— Hissor (Hissor fortress, Shohambari sanatorium)
– Dushanbe (hiking and excursion around the capital)
Khovar: Which of these destinations will be offered for the first time, and for what purpose were these particular attractions chosen? Are they connected with water or glaciers?
Kamoliddin Muminzod: Previously, there were no excursions in the direction of the Varzob Gorge. Now guests will be able to see the Dushanbinka River, as well as climb the mountains.
Many foreign guests have always admired our nature and mountains, and we included hiking for the first time. Participants will have the opportunity to climb the mountains, see glaciers and clear streams. In order to further attract tourists’ attention to nature, lunch will be organized in the mountains. Such excursions will give guests a chance not only to see all the flavor of our mountains, but also to try national dishes in natural conditions and drink clean spring water. Of course, the route requires a little physical activity, but we will inform guests about this in advance. I think this route will be very interesting and eventful. Also, on the excursion, participants will be able to see the Siyoma River and the Safeddara Ski Complex. That is, the excursion program will consist of two parts.
The second direction is Vahdat (Dushanbe — Arkhu — Romit), which will be offered to guests for the first time. The Romit Gorge is a picturesque area on the banks of the stormy Arkhu River. There will also be a hike in the mountains and lunch by the river. Guests will be able to see the amazing nature of this area. Just on the hot summer days of the conference, fresh organic fruits and water will be in demand among guests.
Tours of the Norak and Roghun hydroelectric power plants were organized in previous years, but since the conference is on water, we decided to leave them this year. Every year the contingent of participants changes, and new guests will want to see our water resources. The Norak and Roghun hydroelectric power plants are unique structures of the century that will not leave a single person indifferent. Every year these two objects are transformed and modernized.
Speaking about the tour to Hissor, I would like to note that as part of this excursion we plan to acquaint guests with the Hissor fortress. This is a cultural attraction with historical monuments, including the fortress itself, the arch, the ruler’s palace, a guardhouse, an amphitheater, old and new madrassas, a caravanserai, which will give guests the opportunity to learn more about our ancient history.
Conference participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of ancient Hissor, which travelers from China knew about in the Middle Ages. Back in 630 AD, the Chinese tourist Xuan Jian went to Central Asia and in his travel notes “Takhoriston” from Hissor, which the Chinese at that time called Sumon, recalled the customs and culture of the Tajiks of this ancient area, which undoubtedly makes it possible to inform historians and geographers of this country about ancient Hissor.
Guests who do not want to go on long excursions or are in our capital for the first time will be offered a tour of Dushanbe. Here, conference participants will be offered an excursion to the Ismoil Somoni monument, walks in Rudaki Park, and a tour of the Kokhi Navruz Palace. It should be noted that Kokhi Navruz with an area of about 40 thousand sq. m is the creation of Tajik masters, built in accordance with the national architectural style and has no analogues in the world.
Large and small halls, summer terraces, colorful fountains and musical accompaniment give the complex a unique splendor. The 12 halls of the complex are decorated with works of Tajik folk art: stucco, mosaics, colored glass, wood and stone carvings, mirrors. In 2019, Kokhi Nowruz was recognized as one of the eight wonders of modern times by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Many foreign tourists come to Dushanbe specifically for this facility. Participants have the opportunity to explore all the halls of this building.
I would like to note the fact that all tourist attractions are divided into 2 categories — natural and artificial. Artificial attractions can become boring over time, but natural ones never lose their appeal because they change. Every time a person returns to the same place, he sees some new detail, which maintains interest and gives an incentive to repeat this entire path, to return again to the same place. Our natural attractions are all natural, even if you visit them several times, they will continue to amaze.
Khovar: How can participants choose one or another tour?
Kamoliddin Muminzod: In order to take part in the excursion, participants must register before June 10. Participants who do not have time to register before arrival will be given the opportunity to register until June 12, that is, before the organization of the excursion begins. The day before the excursion, we must clarify the number of guests, routes and take into account all the nuances in advance. Special booklets with the program will be prepared for guests. They will be placed in folders with other conference programs so that guests have the opportunity to learn about the proposed locations.
The booklets will provide brief information about all the proposed tourist places and attractions.
There will be special links on the conference website. Participants will be able to familiarize themselves with the proposed tours before arriving in Dushanbe.
Additionally, during the conference, a special corner will be organized, where guests will be offered brochures and booklets containing all the information about Tajikistan, historical places and excursions.
Khovar: Please tell us a little about the special corners. Where will they be organized, what will be offered there?
Kamoliddin Muminzod: As we know from previous conferences, exhibitions and corners will be organized at the venue of the event, this year it is Kokhi Somon. Each ministry and committee will be allocated a special place to present their activities and capabilities. We will present the tourism opportunities of Tajikistan, national handicraft products, which are very popular among foreign guests.
Khovar: As far as we know, this year, if desired, guests will also be able to order additional individual and group tours. Could you tell us more about this initiative, were there such proposals in past years?
Kamoliddin Muminzod: In addition to free excursions organized by the Organizing Committee, conference participants can book additional individual or group tours before and after the conference for a fee. These tours also provide a unique opportunity to experience the rich history, culture and natural beauty of Tajikistan. We are currently working with our travel agencies. Tours and Excursions Corners will be organized in each hotel where conference participants and guests will stay. There, our travel agencies will offer paid travel services to guests. Volunteers will be in touch with guests around the clock, answer questions and offer their tour packages. Guests who have the opportunity to arrive early or stay after the conference will be able to choose any direction and enjoy the trip.
Khovar: What kind of promotion in the field of tourism do such large events provide?
Kamoliddin Muminzod: Such conferences are very beneficial not only for raising the image of the state, but also for the tourism sector. Participants are necessarily offered tourist excursions. Such events also present the gastronomy of our people, that is, national cuisine, as well as customs, our history, and culture. As you know, we have a very ancient history. Many peoples are interested in looking at our culturally historical places, for example, Sarazm. The history and wealth of the Tajik people should be presented always and everywhere. Of course, holding water conferences gives us the opportunity to do this. One of the goals of holding a Third Dushanbe Water Conference, which is being held thanks to the initiatives of the President Emomali Rahmon, is aimed precisely at showing the world community all the cultural and historical wealth of Tajikistan, traditions and, most importantly, hydroelectric potential.