Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon meets with the Director General of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay

10 июня, 2024 18:10

DUSHANBE, 10.06.2024 /NIAT «Khovar»/— On June 10, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, received at the National Palace the UNESCO Director-General Mrs. Audrey Azulay on the sidelines of the Third International Conference on the International Decade of Action «Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028».

At the meeting, the issues of Tajikistan’s cooperation with the United Nations and its institutions were discussed.

«Expansion of relations with UNESCO in the foreign policy of Tajikistan is defined as one of the priority directions, and we are satisfied with its current level and content», — stated the Honorable President of the country Emomali Rahmon.

Satisfaction was expressed with the constant support of the Organization for the actions of Tajikistan in the fields of science and education, protection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Shashmaqom and Falak, embroidery, atlas and adras weaving, Navruz, Sada and Mehrgon holidays, many historical monuments are among the valuable material and spiritual heritage of Tajiks, which have gained world recognition.

In this context, the contribution and support of UNESCO in the preservation of the culture and traditions of our ancestors and their transmission to future generations was considered important.

It was emphasized at the meeting that our country is interested in further beneficial cooperation with UNESCO in the direction of preserving and preventing the disappearance of historical sites and national cultural treasures. In this case, it was considered necessary to use the technological and technical capabilities of the Organization within the framework of the program «Capacity-building for the management of historical heritage».

The implementation of the UNESCO project on «Reducing the vulnerability of the population in Central Asia to the threat of melting glaciers» was one of the other topics of the meeting, where the parties exchanged views on its implementation.

10 июня, 2024 18:10

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