Over two decades, Tajikistan’s global initiatives plays an important role in advancing water issues

13 июня, 2024 17:29

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DUSHANBE, 13.06.2024 /NIAT «Khovar»/. «Over the past two decades, Tajikistan’s global initiatives endorsed by the UN General Assembly have played an important role in promoting water issues at various levels, stimulating dialogue and action to achieve internationally agreed water goals and targets, including those set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,» said Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan, Chairman of the National Organizing Committee Kohir Rasulzoda at a press conference on the results of the event

The Prime Minister reminded that in March 2023, during the UN Water Conference, Tajikistan undertook a number of voluntary commitments, including the use of the Dushanbe Water Process platform for further implementation of the outcomes of the UN Water Conference 2023, in particular the Water Action Agenda.

Dushanbe Water Process, an initiative of the Government of Tajikistan to support the goals of the International Decade of Action «Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028» through biennial conferences organized by Tajikistan and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

«Through these initiatives, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan seeks to draw great attention of the world community to addressing water issues and improving water cooperation,» said Kohir Kasulzoda.

13 июня, 2024 17:29

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