Meeting of the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization Held in Brussels

23 июля, 2024 17:23

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DUSHANBE, 23.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – The next meeting of the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) was held on July 16 in Brussels (Kingdom of Belgium).

It was attended by the management of Tajikaeronavigatsiya, Kazaeronavigatsiya, Uzaeronavigatsiya, as well as the relevant divisions of the European Organization for Air Navigation Safety of European countries.

The meeting focused on information on CANSO’s activities in the first half of 2024, as well as the work plan until 2030.

The meeting participants visited air traffic planning centers in European countries.

It should be noted that the air navigation service provider of Tajikistan — Tajikaeronavigatsia was accepted as a member of CANSO as part of the 28th annual general meeting.

23 июля, 2024 17:23

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