More Than 120,000 People Familiarize with the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Tajik People in the Museums in 2024

26 июля, 2024 11:42

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DUSHANBE, 26.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – This year, more than 120,000 tourists and residents of the country visited the museums of the republic and got acquainted with the ancient history of the Tajik people, reported the Ministry of Culture.

There are 66 museums in Tajikistan, including 3 subordinate to the Ministry of Culture, 3 regional museums, 47 historical and local history museums, 12 house museums, which store 316,326 exhibits of high historical and cultural value. Of these, 173,396 exhibits are in historical and local history museums of cities and districts.

26 июля, 2024 11:42

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