Permanent Representative of Tajikistan Attends the UN Security Council Debate

22 июля, 2024 09:36

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DUSHANBE, 22.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On July 19, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tajikistan to the United Nations Jonibek Hikmat addressed the UN Security Council debate on “Cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security: the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)”.

The Permanent Representative noted that relationship between the UN and abovementioned regional organizations should exemplify effective interaction between global and regional entities and should enable these regional organizations to complement the efforts of the UN and its Security Council in maintaining international peace and security.

It was also stressed that threats and challenges to security require the need for increased cooperation between the UN and these regional organizations, and in this context the development of new instruments of cooperation in the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking is considered important.

In conclusion, Jonibek Hikmat emphasized that Tajikistan will continue to contribute to the further development of multifaceted interaction between the SCO, CIS, and CSTO with the UN to maintain international peace and security.

22 июля, 2024 09:36

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