Zulfikor Gulakhmadzoda: the Youth Forum of Tajikistan and Kazakhstan becomes a platform for confidence building

15 августа, 2024 15:28

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DUSHANBE, 15.08.2024 /NIAT “Khovar”/. Tajikistan — Kazakhstan Youth Forum is held today in Dushanbe, reports the correspondent of NIAT “Khovar”.

The forum is attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Dilrabo Mansuri, Vice Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan and representatives of youth public organizations of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the Chairman of the Tajik Youth Affairs Committee, the forum make a significant step towards the formation of a platform for strengthening trust and friendship between states. «In the conditions of modern political, economic and social processes, youth becomes a strategic resource that determines the development of not only the state, but also international relations in the long term» — he said.

“There are more than 1.8 billion young people in the world today. In some countries of the world young people make up to 70% of the population. According to UN forecasts, by 2030, the world’s young population is expected to grow further. Central Asia is the youngest region in the world, where the average age of the population is 28.6 years. It is gratifying that friendly and partnership ties between our countries are developing at a new level, actively involving the young part of the population,” he added.

There was a presentation of youth policy opportunities of state authorized agencies on youth work in the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as a panel discussion on “Development of volunteer activities in the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

15 августа, 2024 15:28

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