Side event of the Republic of Tajikistan on the sidelines of the 31st OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum

16 сентября, 2024 14:02

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DUSHANBE, 16.09.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On September 13, 2024, a side event of the Republic of Tajikistan entitled “Tajikistan’s Leadership in Promoting International Initiatives Related to Water Management for Sustainable Development in The Context of Climate Change” was held on the sidelines of the 31st Economic and Environmental Forum of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Prague.

The event was attended by representatives of OSCE participating States, international and regional organizations, scientists and experts of the field.

The First Deputy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Ismatullo Nasredin made speech on the role of Tajikistan in promoting the global water and climate agenda, including the results of the Third International High-Level Conference on the International Decade for Action «Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028” (Dushanbe, 10-13 June 2024), as well as the resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly “2025 — International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation” and «Decade of Action for Cryospheric Sciences, 2025-2034».

Ismatullo Nasredin emphasized the importance of expanding cooperation among OSCE participating States in preventing and addressing water and climate-related risks and challenges, developing and implementing joint tools, as well as providing financial and technical assistance to vulnerable countries.

16 сентября, 2024 14:02

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