Number of visitors to the Khovar Website Increases by More Than 234%
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DUSHANBE, 07.01.2025 (NIAT Khovar) – In 2024, the number of views of the Khovar website content amounted 7,026,323 times, which is compared to 2023 more than 3,225,989, or 84.9% in 2023. In 2023, this figure was 3,800, 334. This information is provided by the Russian service, which collects and analyzes website performance indicators.
Also in 2024, the number of visitors to the agency’s website reached 2,088,539 people. This figure increased by 1,464,634 people, or more than 234.7%, compared to 2023 (623,905 people).
According to the data, the number of male visitors in 2024 was 66.5%, and female — 33.5%. Of these, 23.6% are aged 18 to 24, 37.5% — 25 to 34, 27.3% — 35 to 44, and 11.5% — over 44.
The top twenty countries most visited on Khovar website in 2024 include Tajikistan, Russia, Great Britain, Uzbekistan, the USA, Kazakhstan, Germany, France, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, the Netherlands, China, South Korea, Turkiye, Poland, the UAE, Azerbaijan, Switzerland, Lithuania, and Japan.
The structure of transitions to the website pages is as follows: through search engines — 41.9%, internal — 39.5%, through bookmarks- 14.7%, through social networks — 2.1%, and from other sites — 1.9%.
The transition to the Khovar website was mainly made through the search engines Google (89.5%), Yandex (10.4%), Yandex (photo) , Rambler, Bing,, Baidu and others.
The top three social networks through which the transition to the website was made were Facebook (99.8%), Vkontakte (0.1%) and Odnoklassniki (0.1%).
Of course, the same number of Internet users can also access Radio Khovar programs on the frequency of 101.5 FM and can listen to radio programs on the website