President Emomali Rahmon Makes Appointments in Presidential Executive Office

4 декабря, 2020 16:30

DUSHANBE, 04.12.2020 (NIAT Khovar) – President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon has signed executive orders releasing Salimi Farhod from his post as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to the United States in order to take up a new appointment. Hamralizoda Farrukh will now serve in his stead as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to the United States, relieving him from his previous post as the Chairman of the State Committee on Investments and State Property Management.

In accordance with other presidential executive orders, Kodirzoda Saadi will now serve as the Chairman of the State Committee on Investments and State Property Management, relieving him from his previous post as the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office.

Hayotzoda Firdavs has been appointed the first deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office, relieving him from his previous post as the first deputy head of the Executive Service.

In addition, Halimzod Abdurahmon has been appointed deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office, relieving him from his previous post as the deputy of the Minister of Finance.

Jonmamadova Mehrinamo has been relieved of her posts as deputies of the Minister of Finance and transferred to other posts. Safarzoda Rukmina has been appointed deputy of Minister of Finance.

Sultonzoda Zeboniso as the Director of the State valuables under the Ministry of Finance has been released from her post due to having reached the retirement age. Safaralizoda Farrukh will now serve in her stead.

In addition, Shambiev Alisher has been released of his post as the first deputy director general of the State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) Tajikaeronavigatsiya (Tajik air navigation) due to a transfer to another job. Shodmonbekzoda Davron will now serve in his stead as the first deputy director general of Tajikaeronavigatsiya.

Mirzoev Saia’lo has been released of his post as the Executive Director of the branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Dushanbe due to a transfer to another job. Ganiev Rustam will be taking on the post.

Avazov Usmon will no longer be serving as the first deputy head of the main Department for the Protection of State Secrets. Yusufzoda Yusufjon will now serve in his stead, relieving him from his previous post as the senior adviser — the chief of the defense security department of the office of the Security Council.

Saidalizoda Fozil has been appointed senior adviser — the chief of the defense security department of the office of the Security Council.

The tenure of a Director of the State Institution Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture Sadulloev Habibullo has been terminated due to his death.

Yusufzoda Abdujabbor will now serve as the head of the Agency for Forestry, and Khairulloev Tohir as the Advisor of the Department of Defense Security of the Office of the Security Council has been transferred to other work.

Mirzozoda Sunnatullo will no longer be serving as the chief of the Legal Department of the Presidential Executive Office. Ghanizoda Shuhrat will now serve in his stead as and Gadoalizoda Parviz will serve as his deputy.

Saidalizoda Fozil has been released of his post as chief of the Legal Department of the Presidential Executive Office due to a transfer to another job.

Saburzoda Mirzodavlat has been appointed the chief of the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Presidential Executive Office, while Holzoda Karomiddin will be serving as his deputy.

Azimzoda Alimardon, the deputy head of the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Presidential Executive Office, has been transferred to other post.

Olimzoda Suhrob, the head, and Saidzoda Bahodur, the deputy chief of the Presidential Foreign Policy Directorate have been relieved of their posts for new appointments. Davlatzoda Parviz and Amirzoda Payrav will now serve in their stead as chief and deputy chief of the Presidential Foreign Policy Directorate respectively.

Karim Abdurahim will serve as the Advisor of the Office of the Assistant to President on Legal Issues.

4 декабря, 2020 16:30

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