Tajikistan — Uzbekistan Summit Talks
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DUSHANBE, 10.06.2021 (NIAT Khovar) – The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon held talks at the Palace of the Nation with the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev who is in Dushanbe on an official visit.
Following the official welcoming ceremony, the two presidents had a one-on-one discussion. Later the talks continued in an expanded format.
During the consultations, in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding, all the aspects of interstate relations between the two countries were discussed, and a comprehensive exchange of views took place on topical issues in the international and regional agenda.
Future directions of Tajik-Uzbek comprehensive strategic partnership were also touched upon with an emphasis on political, trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian, and security.
President Rahmon expressed confidence that the visit of the President of the neighboring country to Tajikistan will give a serious impetus to the development of all spheres of cooperation between the two nations.
He also congratulated his counterpart and all the Uzbek people on the occasion of the upcoming 30th anniversary of state independence of Uzbekistan.
President Rahmon offered his gratitude to the President and the Government of Uzbekistan for the medical aid and equipment, as well as a mobile hospital during the difficult period of the coronavirus pandemic.
The counterparts looked in detail at the situation with and prospects for cooperation on Tajik — Uzbek bilateral relations and within international organizations such as the UN, SCO, CIS, and the IFAS (International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea).
President Rahmon highly appraised the result of the first Tajik-Uzbek interregional investment forum that took place in Khatlon Province as part of the official visit of the President Mirziyoyev.
President Rahmon noted that the results of this forum testify to the existence of great opportunities for the expansion of trade, economic and investment cooperation.
The intergovernmental trade and investment agreements that have been signed during the visit will increase the foreign trade turnover between the two countries to more than one billion US dollars.
During the discussion of trade and economic cooperation, a comprehensive exchange of views took place on seeking new opportunities to implement a number of projects aimed at economic growth and trade expansion.
The parties also discussed the joint project for construction of two hydropower plants on the Zarafshan River with an estimated capacity of 320 MW and the establishment of a joint investment company.
Particular attention was paid to cooperation in the field of industry. The two leaders praised the activities of the Artel Avesta Electronics joint venture, which opened last year.
They also discussed the establishment of joint ventures on producing textile and food products as well as on processing mining minerals in the free economic zones.
The issues of cooperation in the field of ensuring food security were also emphases during the meeting. The leaders agreed on using the agricultural priorities of the two countries for the production of basic foodstuffs.
During the meeting special attention was paid to a wide range of cooperation between the parties in the cultural and humanitarian spheres.
President Rahmon offered his gratitude to the President of Uzbekistan for the constant attention to the socio-cultural needs of Tajiks living in Uzbekistan.
Within the framework of win-win cooperation in the field of culture, in order to strengthen the true and sincere friendship between the two countries which have a long history, the parties agreed to make a meaningful historical film about the exemplary life and work of literary and cultural geniuses Abdurahmoni Jomi and Alisher Navoi.
During the discussion of regional issues, special attention was paid to cooperation in the fight against terrorism, extremism, religious radicalism, drug trafficking, and other forms of transnational organized crime.
The officials also paid particular attention to the situation in Afghanistan, including after the withdrawal of international coalition forces from its territory.
Further coordinated efforts of the parties to restore peace and stability in Afghanistan were also stressed.
President Rahmon also drew attention to the issues of climate change, which affect the state of water resources in the region.
In this regard, the initiatives of Tajikistan on declaring 2025 the International Year of Glacier Protection and the date for World Glacier Day as well as the establishment of an International Glacier Protection Fund were noted.
At the end of the meeting, President Rahmon thanked the official for the full support of Tajikistan’s chairmanship in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.