International Youth Forum Begins in Dushanbe

13 июля, 2023 12:02

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DUSHANBE, 13.07.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – Yesterday, the International Youth Forum entitled “Let’s act together for a sustainable future and development” began in Dushanbe.

Deputy Prime Minister Matlubakhon Sattoriyon took part and spoke in the opening ceremony of the forum.

The forum will be attended by active youth of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

According to the plan, the forum will be held from July 11 through July 14.

Also, on July 12, a meeting of the working group was held with the participation of youth of the Central Asian countries, in which the youth presented their projects related to improving the skills of young people and thus preventing them from any dangerous activities.

As part of this forum, excursions to cultural, historical and tourist attractions of Dushanbe, Hissor and Vahdat were organized for the participants.

13 июля, 2023 12:02

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