EXCHANGE RATE. Today in credit institutions of Tajikistan 1 USD is 9.4300 TJS

DUSHANBE, 19.07.2018 /NIAT “Khovar”/. The National Bank of Tajikistan (NBT) on July 19 for the purpose of accounting and payment of customs duties determined the official exchange rate of foreign currency as follows: 1 USD = 9.4196 TJS, 1 Euro = 10.9559 TJS, 1 Russian ruble = 0.1491 TJS.
Also, on July 19, the average selling rate of cash foreign currency in credit institutions of Tajikistan is 1 USD – 9.4300 TJS, 1 Euro – from 10.9000 to 11.0400 TJS, 1 Russian ruble –0.1495 to 0.1510 TJS.
NBT warns that foreign exchange operations outside branches, offices of bank service centers, as well as at the country’s ATMs and terminals are prohibited. Failure to comply with these requirements will be considered law violation, and violators will be brought to administrative and criminal responsibility.