Press Statement followed by the negotiations with the President of the Republic of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind
Your Excellency, President of the Republic of India
Distinguished representatives of media,
At the outset I would like to once again welcome H.E. Shri Ram Nath Kovind and His Excellency’s Delegation to Tajikistan on my behalf personally and on behalf of the hospitable Tajik people.
Tajikistan perceives this visit of the President of the Republic of India as the continuation of intergovernmental dialogue between the leadership of the two countries.
Today we have held constructive negotiations and discussions in the traditional environment of friendship and mutual understanding.
The parties believe the long-term expansion of good tradition of friendship and multifaceted cooperation between Tajikistan and India meet their national and state interests and promote regional peace and stability.
Having referred to the importance of political consultations at high level, we highlighted the need to further strengthen them to enhance the mutually rewarding cooperation between our countries.
In this context, we outlined that trade and economic cooperation is an important pillar of our relations and we need to avail the existing potential thoroughly to develop them.
The parties, with a view to improving this field of cooperation, expressed their readiness to vitalize the activities of the Tajik-Indian Intergovernmental Commission.
Tajikistan is eager to qualitatively upgrade its cooperation with India in the field of encouragement of investments.
We stand ready to continue protecting the activities of Indian investors in this area.
Tajikistan is interested to encourage Indian investments for the implementation of projects on infrastructure, production, industry, agriculture, trade and services.
The parties highlighted the importance of expanding cultural and people to people cooperation as varied as social, scientific and education, medical and tourism.
During the negotiations and talks we also discussed and assessed important regional and international issues.
The parties expressed their specific concern with regard to continued instability and aggravation of the situation in Afghanistan.
Tajikistan once again highlighted its engagement for wider cooperation on establishment of peace and stability in Afghanistan.
We agreed that exploring effective ways of solution to Afghanistan case and establishment of a peaceful life in this country requires better coordination of our two countries and other stakeholders joint actions.
With this regard, Tajikistan highlighted the importance of nonmilitary measures, first and foremost, implementation of projects on energy, transport and connectivity as an important factor for establishment of peace and stability and peaceful life in Afghanistan.
Tajikistan and India have identical or close position with regard to the majority of regional and international issues.
We outlined the Tajikistan and India established good relations within the international organizations, including the United Nations.
The parties, having taken into account the ever growing global threats such as international terrorism, extremism, religious radicalization, illicit trafficking of narcotics and transnational organized crime, expressed their commitment to sthrengthen their cooperation in the field of security.
I believe this visit of His Excellency will play an important role in the new history of the partnership relations between the two fraternal countries.
Thank you.