President Emomali Rahmon Lays the Foundation Stones for the Cement Producing Company Tojikcement and Company Specializing in Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pipes

DUSHANBE, 17.09.2019. (NIAT Khovar) – The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President Emomali Rahmon and the Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali laid the foundation stones for the construction of a cement producting company Tojikcement and the company specializing in glass fiber reinforced plastic pipes called Composite TA in the metropolitan area of Sino.
Tojikcement plans to produce grades 400, 500 and cement for asbestos-products, special high-strength cement grade 600. The planned production capacity is 3,300 tons per day or 1.2 million tons per year.
The overall production line of the enterprise includes 12 buildings and installations, of which 10 are main and two auxiliary ones will be built in a modern style in accordance with international standards in the outskirts of the city.
At the same time, all safety measures will be taken for residents of neighboring settlements to capture fugitive dust, which will be filtered in 10 stages, as a result of which 99.3 percent of environmental protection rules will be ensured.
It is expected that the construction of this industrial enterprise will be brought to completion after 1.5 years, at which point it will employ 600 people. Presently 1,500 people are working on completing the construction process.
The raw materials for cement production will be extracted from domestic natural reserves, including deposits in the Kharangon gorge.
The creation of another new industrial enterprise will lay a solid foundation for the implementation of the fourth national goal — rapid industrialization of the country.
As for Composite TA, it plans to produces pipes with a diameter of 300 and 3000 mm. Its expected annual capacity is 150 km of pipes. Composite pipes withstand high pressure, are fireproof and meet international standards.
About 60% of the raw materials will be sourced domestically. It is worth noting that large-scale projects relating to water supply, irrigation and sewage are being implemented in the country annually, financed by various sources, including by the state, as well as through grants and loans from its development partners. The company plans to hire 100 people before the 30th anniversary of state independence, which will take place in the fall of 2021.