Personnel appointment
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DUSHANBE, 18.07.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – Today, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, received the personnel who were appointed to the leadership positions in the judicial authorities, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of Defense and the Drug Control Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.
By the orders of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the head of Dushanbe city court, the head of Firdavsi district court, the head of Rudaki district court, the first deputy and the deputy head of Vahdat city court, the judges of Dushanbe city court and Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Province were appointed from among young and experienced personnel.
During the conversation, the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon paid special attention to the activity of judicial bodies and gave specific instructions to ensure justice and transparent consideration of criminal cases.
The President of the country demanded the newly appointed personnel to ensure the effectiveness of the rule of law, the fight against acts of corruption, transparency, fair trial and ensuring justice and truth during the trial.
In agreement with the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the prosecutors of a number of cities and districts of the country, including Ishkoshim and Shugnon districts of GBAO, Khujand, Buston, Kuhistoni Mastchoh, Devashtich and Asht districts of Sughd Province, Bokhtar city, Vakhsh, Temurmalik, Abdurahmoni Jami districts, Shamsiddin Shohin, Vose and Yovon of Khatlon Province and Lakhsh district were replaced.
The Head of State emphasized that special attention should be paid to the training of young personnel, especially at the expense of women.
Also, personnel changes were made in the command of a number of units of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Drug Control Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.
President considered the knowledge of two foreign languages mandatory for the appointed personnel in the current conditions, and considered the fight against any crime, illegal drug trafficking, transnational organized crime, ensuring public order and security of citizens to be among the main duties of law enforcement officers, and gave specific instructions in this direction.
«Show more responsibility in relation to citizens’ appeals, and act more responsibly and fairly when considering cases and people’s complaints,» stressed the Head of State.
The personnel appointed in these fields were selected from among the qualified specialists of the field, graduates of two or more higher military institutes, who have shown their professional skills, perseverance and loyalty during their service.
«During the selection for leadership positions, we pay special attention to the high level of professionalism, loyalty, honesty and modern knowledge of the personnel, and each of you must put the interests of the state and the nation above all else and be at the service of the people», said the President of the country Emomali Rahmon.
At the end of the meeting, President Emomali Rahmon wished success to all the appointed personnel in the performance of their official duties and considered service to the people and homeland and protection of the rights and freedoms of every citizen as their primary duties.