President Emomali Rahmon Attends Opening of Textile Factory in Vakhsh

15 декабря, 2023 10:40

DUSHANBE, 15.12.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – On December 15, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, during his working trip to the «20th anniversary of Tajikistan’s independence» rural community of Vakhsh district, commissioned «Nasimi Vakhsh» LLC.

This enterprise, whose activity is focused on textiles and sewing, was built by the domestic businessman Barotali Yusufzoda to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Republic of Tajikistan’s independence at a high level and was equipped with modern textile and sewing equipment and technology.

The «Nasimi Vahsh» factory mainly produces socks, school uniforms and other types of customized clothes.

250 sock knitting machines, 15 automatic devices and 7 labeling machines manufactured by the developed countries of the world have been imported and installed in the textile workshop of the enterprise.

President Emomali Rahmon was informed that 180 housewives have been provided with permanent well-paid jobs at the «Nasimi Vakhsh» enterprise.

The production capacity of this factory will be increased by expanding the scope of activity. This enterprise has the capacity to produce 15m pairs of high-quality socks per year.

Raw materials, including yarn for the production of socks, are obtained from within the country and partly from abroad, and based on international standards, import substitute products are prepared from them.

The Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, praised the modern working conditions and the production process at the enterprise.

Recall that the main purpose of building an enterprise in Vakhsh district is the final processing of local raw materials and the production of finished products from them. 80% of the finished products produced at the factory are made of cotton, and the interest of domestic and foreign buyers is increasing.

It should be noted that school uniforms are also made in the workshop, the latest technology is imported from developed countries of the world and assembled and installed with the involvement of domestic specialists.

56 local women, most of whom are housewives, are employed in the sewing workshop. The company has the capacity to fully provide students of general secondary education institutions of Vakhsh district with school uniforms.

Considering an increase in demand for high-quality domestic socks, the company’s officials produce high-quality products and offer them to customers. This initiative will be implemented within the framework of the «Years of Industrial Development, 2022-2026», and state support of the private sector.

The socks produced by the company are mainly import substitution products and are offered to buyers at affordable prices.

In general, with the construction and commissioning of the «Nasimi Vakhsh» textile and sewing factory, according to the business plan, if the factory is fully operational, 400 local residents, especially housewives, will be provided with permanent well-paid jobs.

The Leader of the Nation gave specific instructions to the officials regarding the development of the industry, the production of high-quality products that substitute imports, the supply of the population with domestic products, and the creation of new jobs.

15 декабря, 2023 10:40

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