Delegation of Tajikistan attended the third meeting of Foreign Ministers “Central Asia — Italy”

30 мая, 2024 10:27

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DUSHANBE, 30.05.2024 /NIAT «Khovar»/— On May 29, 2024, the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan, led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sirojiddin Muhriddin, took part in the Third Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs “Central Asia — Italy” in the C5+1 format, which took place in Rome.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the prospects for the development of cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and Italy in the political, economic, trade, water and energy, environmental, transport, tourism and educational spheres, and also exchanged views on burning topics of regional and international cooperation, including current threats and the challenges, the situation in Afghanistan and the Middle East.

On the eve of this meeting, separate thematic sessions were held on issues of water and energy, transport and education, in which representatives of the country participated.

30 мая, 2024 10:27

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