Speech by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon at the Official Opening Ceremony of the 1st World Gushtingiri (Wrestling) Championship

30 августа, 2024 16:58

Distinguished guests!

Dear athletes!

Dear participants!

I extend a very warm welcome to each of you to the first World Gushtingiri (Wrestling) Championship, taking place in the capital city of the paradise-like Tajikistan — Dushanbe.

Gushtingiri is a traditional sport of the Tajik people and has a history of more than five thousand years.

Throughout the long history of our nation, various sports, including Gushtingiri, have been very popular among the cultured Tajik people and, along with improving physical strength, have served as a means of educating noble human qualities for teenagers and young people.

As evidenced by the earliest literary works of Tajiks, our people have been engaging in this type of national sport since ancient times to promote a healthy lifestyle, instill courage in young people, and safeguard the Motherland and its borders.

This tradition continues to the present day. Thus, the presence of various sports from ancient times to our day, including Gushtingiri, is a proof of the Tajik people’s rich culture, a symbol of endurance, courage, strength, bravery and fearlessness.

Creation of suitable infrastructural and organizational conditions for ensuring sports development, including Gushtingiri, is in the center of the Government’s attention.

It is our pride and honor that due to considerable efforts of our state and the Government of the country, the Tajik national sport Gushtingiri has acquired international status.

Precisely for this reason, our country today hosts various international events in this kind of sport, including the 1st World Gushtingiri Championship.

Thanks to the era of Independence, Dushanbe — Tajikistan’s capital, in addition to hosting various international summits on water and other global issues, this beautiful modern Tajik city also hosts major international sporting events.

If the first international event of this type of sport, aimed at introducing Gushtingiri to the world was held with participation of representatives and athletes from 8 countries and was considered to be our first attempt to make it international kind of sport, than today’s championship is attended by representatives of 63 countries.

I would like to emphasize that we will assume the responsibility of holding official international Gushtingiri events at a high level.

We will continue striving to organize the Asian Championship, the Asian Cup, the World Championship and the World Cup, as well as other high-level national and international Gushtingiri Championships.

Holding a high-level international event, that is the 1st World Gushtingiri Championship, is an important factor for promoting health, friendship and cooperation between people and represents Dushanbe — the capital city of our dear Tajikistan — as a city of peace and friendship.

I believe that this event will mark a new stage in the recognition of Tajikistan’s national sport at the global level, and that the world will increasingly recognize the city of Dushanbe as a venue for prestigious international competitions.

It is very symbolic that this important international event took place in the days of preparation for the celebration of the Tajiks’ sacred and historical holiday — the State Independence of Tajikistan, and it gives a new magnificence to our great national holiday.

I reiterate my sincere gratitude to all of you — distinguished guests and athletes and supporters of this type of sport — on the start of such a high-level international event, which is also considered a great celebration of our national sport.

I wish the athletes new victories and continued success and fulfillment in their sporting endeavors!

30 августа, 2024 16:58

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