Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon inspecting potato harvesting progress in Lakhsh district

12 сентября, 2024 10:38

DUSHANBE, 12.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On September 12, in continuation of his working visit to Lakhsh district, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, started the potato harvesting season in Maydonterak farms of Kuhdoman village.

It was reported that the land area of Maidonterak farms is equal to 78.50 hectares, 40.43 hectares of which are water lands, more than 33 hectares are auxiliary farm lands, and 2 hectares are gardens. Potatoes are mainly grown in this area.

This year, the total area of potatoes in the farms of the district is 5 thousand 457 hectares, and according to the expectations of experts, this year its productivity will reach 250-270 centners per hectare. According to the information of the Agricultural Department of Lakhsh district, the potato planting area in the district is increasing year by year, and the desired harvest is obtained. In particular, this year the cultivated area is 89 hectares more than last year, and production of more than 107 thousand tons is expected.

The conditions and climate of Lakhsh district are very favorable for potato cultivation, and the district has a significant contribution to supplying domestic markets with this sort of product. Farmers of Lakhsh district mainly cultivate «Tojikiston», «Picasso», «Pakistan», «Surkhob», «Evolution», «Arizona», «Elita», «Gala», «Bigroza» and other sorts, which are very productive.

Speaking with farmers, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, called the effective use of land the main factor in ensuring food security and prosperity of the people’s tables, and guided them to effective and rational use of every inch of land.

Here the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon visited the exhibition of agricultural products and got acquainted with the achievements of the farmers of the district. As it was informed, this year 1 thousand 803 agricultural farms of Lakhsh district planted various crops on the area of 8 thousand 246 hectares and collected a rich harvest.

At the same time this year, according to the perspective, farmers have built new orchards on an area of 10 hectares, which will lay the foundation for strengthening the country’s export potential. In total, the orchard area in the district is 1,740 hectares.

Farmers are satisfied with this year’s abundant harvest of apples, pears and other fruits.

Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon gave specific instructions to farmers and officials of Lakhsh district to increase the volume of production and select high-yielding seeds.

In the other part of the exhibition, artisan women and girls displayed a large list of handicrafts and sewing products, including gold embroidery, embroidery, blanket embroidery, quilting, small embroidery, needlework, etc.

During the visit to the exhibition, the Honorable Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, highly appreciated the art of women and guided them to the further development of folk art, which reflects the history and culture of the Tajik nation.

In order to revive and develop folk crafts, women and girls in Lakhsh district are always supported by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, and they are given many privileges and opportunities, such as Presidential grants.

At the same time, artisans in Lakhsh district are engaged in carving, weaving, plate cutting, blacksmithing, etc., they contribute to the development and revival of folk crafts and make a living from their handmade products.

Bread products, such as girdacha, khushkfatir, chapati, kulcha, kulchakand, various sweets and delicious national dishes, prepared by skilled bakers, added special splendor to the exhibition.

It should be emphasized that during the years of the country’s independence, in Lakhsh district, serious attention was paid to the development of folk crafts, and through the organization of short training courses, housewives and young women are attracted to crafts.

It was reported that year after year folk crafts are flourishing in this remote district of the country.

Under the direct guidance of the Honorable Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, hand-made carpet weaving was also revived in the district, and it is taught to housewives and girls in the center and rural areas.

During the visit to the exhibition, the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon, in a conversation with the artisans, emphasized that it would be beneficial to organize craft workshops, build sewing factories in the district, and also attract unemployed young women and girls to study folk crafts at home that would create dozens of new jobs in the future.

12 сентября, 2024 10:38

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