President Emomali Rahmon held a meeting with leaders and activists of Lakhsh district

12 сентября, 2024 12:21

DUSHANBE, 12.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On September 12, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon held a cordial meeting with the leaders and activists of Lakhsh district.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon sincerely congratulated the proud and hard-working residents of Lakhsh district and all the participants of the meeting on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, which is a truly historical and sacred day for our people.

Honorable Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, expressed gratitude for dedicated work for the sake of the progress of the homeland, as well as for the warm welcome.

It was emphasized that thanks to the State Independence, our dear Motherland is constantly developing, and as a result of the special care and attention of the country’s Government, remote mountainous regions, including Lakhsh, are becoming prosperous and beautiful in an unprecedented way.

Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon stated that during the period of independence, more than 1.7 billion somoni were allocated from all sources of funding to ensure sustainable development of various sectors of the district’s economy and increase the level of people’s well-being. In particular, more than 425 million somoni of targeted funds have been allocated from the national budget to cover the costs of the district budget.

It was mentioned that over the past 33 years, 22 state investment projects worth more than 700 million somoni have been implemented for the construction, repair and equipment of schools, improvement of medical services, construction and reconstruction of roads, support of farms, development of agriculture and environmental protection. Currently, the implementation of 4 more projects continues, within which 14 million somoni have been appropriated.

Honorable President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, in the last 15 years, allocated 172 hectares of land near the yard for residents to improve their living conditions as a special care of the Government.

It was mentioned that out of 114 projects of the Lakhsh district Socio-Economic Development Program for 2021-2025, which are intended to improve the infrastructure of the district, build production and service facilities, and create new jobs, only 66 projects amounting 48 million somoni or 30 percent have been implemented.

The leadership of the executive authorities of the district and related ministries and departments received an order from the Head of State to strengthen the work in the direction of attracting more capital and to take effective measures for the implementation of the mentioned program and planned projects.

It was emphasized at the meeting that according to the action plan for the worthy celebration of the 35th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, the construction and renovation of 124 facilities of various purposes is planned in the district, and work has been completed on 45 facilities or 36 percent of the plan.

Potato growing and horticulture are considered to be the priority and profitable areas of the district, it is a source of providing the country’s consumer market with ecologically clean potatoes and fruits, strengthening the country’s export potential and providing permanent employment to the population.

In this regard, the President of the country ordered the district leadership and officials of the sector to take specific measures for the development of these sectors.

It was mentioned that today there are only 8 industrial enterprises in the district, of which 3 enterprises were established in the first half of this year.

According to the Head of State, these indicators are not satisfactory.

Taking into account the great resources and opportunities of the district, it was considered necessary that the district leadership and relevant ministries and agencies take immediate measures to eliminate the mentioned shortcomings.

The executive authorities of the district and the Ministry of Education and Science received instructions from the President of the country to take necessary measures to overcome the existing problems in the field of education in the district.

After the speech of the Honorable Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, a group of residents of the district, representatives of various professions, spoke and received specific answers to their requests and suggestions.

12 сентября, 2024 12:21

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