The Head of state Emomali Rahmon attends opening ceremony of water purification basin in Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadoni district

5 сентября, 2024 10:58

DUSHANBE, 05.09.2024 /NIAT Khovar/. On September 5, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, started by pressing a symbolic button the operation of the water purification basin in the district of Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadoni.

It was reported that this basin was built in order to raise the well-being of residents by improving the management of the irrigation system of farms in the basin of the Panj River, in the region of Farkhor, Hamadoni and Vose districts.

From the geographical point of view, the district of Hamadoni is located in the area lower than the level of the river Panj, and because of this, this area has been damaged by rains and floods many times before. It should be said that the Panj River is one of the silty rivers of this region and it is the source of the «Chubek» water catchment. Every year, 700,000 cubic meters of mixed rock enters the “Chubek” reservoir from the Panj River and fills the irrigation canals. Every year, people work hard and spend a lot of money to clean the ditches from the rocks. Therefore, in July 2020, within the framework of the project «Management of water resources in the Panj River basin», the issue of eliminating the impact of possible natural hazards for the population was raised.

This project was implemented at the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in cooperation with development partners, including the Asian Development Bank.

The contractor of the project is JSC «TGEM», with the involvement of more than 400 local engineers and specialists, they completed the construction of a lake-type drainage reservoir in Hamadoni district with high quality.

As part of the implementation of the project, the construction of the water reservoir, the strengthening of the coast of the region, as well as the modernization of the pumping station were completed.

Construction work on this facility began on October 1, 2020, and construction work was completed by March 30, 2023.

It was reported that Chubek is the largest among the irrigation networks of the Panj River basin and its area is 50 thousand 160 hectares.

Since agriculture is the basis of economic development in this region, the construction of this facility has not only economic, but also social importance, as it provides employment to more than 60 percent of the population.

More than 80 different techniques and mechanisms were used in the construction of the facility.

Engineers and builders have completed high-quality construction works for long years of service of water supply facilities.

Within the scope of the project, 2 road bridges were also built, in order to supply the facility with electricity, more than 12 kilometers of power transmission lines were laid, and 2,100- kilovolt transformers were installed.

During the conversation with the officials, the Head of State emphasized that the issue of water supply to the city of Kulob should also be studied, because the population of the city and its surroundings, whose number reaches more than 300 thousand people, suffers from a shortage of drinking and irrigable water.

5 сентября, 2024 10:58

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