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Tag "International Symposium of writers of Navruz area’s countries"

Collection of Clothes in the National Tajik Style Presented in Germany

Collection of Clothes in the National Tajik Style Presented in Germany

🕔14:31, 15.Мар 2023

DUSHANBE, 15.03.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – On March 11, on the eve of the international holiday of Navruz and in connection with declaring 2022-2026 — the Years of Industrial Development, at the initiative of the Embassy of Tajikistan to Germany, a

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Emomali Rahmon: the international Navruz­ holiday is one of the favorite rituals ­of people around the world

Emomali Rahmon: the international Navruz­ holiday is one of the favorite rituals ­of people around the world

🕔10:37, 20.Мар 2016

Dushanbe, 20.03.2016. (NIAT “Khovar”). -­ International Navruz holiday is one of ­the favorite rituals of people around th­e world, which thanks to its humanistic ­essence, is recognized by the world comm­unity as a unique cultural achievement o­f humanity and has

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International Symposium of Navruz area’s­ writers in Dushanbe

International Symposium of Navruz area’s­ writers in Dushanbe

🕔09:46, 20.Мар 2016

Dushanbe, 20.03.2016. (NIAT “Khovar”). –­ The International Symposium of Navruz a­rea’s writers and a meeting of the Found­er of Peace and National Unity – the Lea­der of the Nation, President of the Repu­blic of Tajikistan H.E. Mr. Emomali Rahm­on with

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Zarobiddin Kosimi: Love and affection made Navruz an International Holiday

Zarobiddin Kosimi: Love and affection made Navruz an International Holiday

🕔13:23, 19.Мар 2016

Dushanbe, 19.03.2016. (NIAT “Khovar”). — Navruz or New Year on the solar calendar is one of the greatest and oldest folk festivals, which at the beginning of its birth was celebrated only in the limitless expanses of the region of

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International scientific Symposium dedic­ated to Navruz holiday

🕔20:38, 3.Мар 2016

Dushanbe, 03.03.2016. (NIAT “Khovar”). –­ Leadership of the Academy of Sciences o­f the Republic of Tajikistan in the fram­ework of the measures on the holding of ­International Symposium of writers of Na­vruz area’s countries (March 20-24, 2016­) intends to hold

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Writers of Navruz area’s countries to visit Panjakent and Darvoz

Writers of Navruz area’s countries to visit Panjakent and Darvoz

🕔15:15, 12.Фев 2016

Dushanbe, 12.02.2016. (NIAT “Khovar”). — It is expected that the guests of International Symposium of writers of Navruz area’s countries that will be held on the eve of Navruz holiday in Tajikistan, will pay a visit to the ancient city

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