Message of congratulations of the President of Austria Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen to President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon

DUSHANBE, 27.03.2017. /NIAT «Khovar»/. Today, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon received a message of congratulations from the Federal President of the Republic of Austria Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen, which reads, in particular:
It is my pleasure to extend my wholehearted congratulations on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Tajikistan.
Over the twenty-five years of cooperation the Austrian-Tajik relations have been developing for the benefit of our peoples. We have established contacts initially on the basis of intentions and mutual respect. In spite of the remote geographical distance, there still exist unused opportunities of cooperation between the two countries. A number of mutual bilateral visits serve as evidence of this.
The former President of Austria as the head of a member country of the European Union visited Tajikistan in 2013 and you visited Austria several times as well. Therefore, I believe that friendly relations will be further developed in the political, economic and cultural spheres.
Austria, as a member of the European Union, attaches great importance to the European values in our relationship. Austria, which in the second half of 2018 will chair the Council of the European Union, will turn its attention to strengthening and expanding the partnership between Tajikistan and the European Union.
This year Austria presides over the Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe. I hope for the support and attention of Tajikistan for fulfillment of this international mission.
I take this opportunity to wish you, Excellency — successes in your highest office, and to the people of Tajikistan — prosperity and development. «