Speech at the Evening of Friendship on the occasion of the State Visit of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan

Hurmatli Mirziyoev Shavkat Miramonovich – Uzbekiston Respublikasining Prezidenti! Your Excellency Shavkat Mirziyoev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Dustoni aziz, Distinguished Friends!
First of all let me extend my sincere gratitude to Your Excellency and the noble, friendly and brotherly people of Uzbekistan for the warm welcome, high level of hospitality and the special attention given to us.
I would like to avail this favorable opportunity and convey to you all the best regards of the people of Tajikistan.
I am convinced that this visit of mine as well as the fruitful and historical visit of my dear brother, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, His Excellency Mr Shavkat Mirziyoev will give a new strong impetus to development of friendly cooperation between our fraternal countries.
Excellency Shavkat Miramonovich!
I am pleased to outline that today we enriched the reliable basis of our multifaceted relations with new agreements and upgraded them to a strategic partnership level.
The destiny has defined that Tajiks and Uzbeks, being close neighbors, live in the same geographical space and consume water from the same watercourse. High sense of friendship, fraternity and mutual support passing from a generation to another one make the historic core of the Tajik-Uzbek relations.
Our peoples bound together by ancient and common culture, traditions and customs, lived side by side for centuries in an environment of peace, friendship and fraternity.
Tajiks and Uzbeks are the two nations, whose spiritual imperatives, culture of behavior, holidays and traditions are fully alike each other. Moreover, dozens of hundreds of mixed families, who are examples of relatively ties between the Tajiks and Uzbeks, live in our countries.
Our glorious ancestors have created and inherited us a unique cultural and scientific heritage during the past centuries. This very invaluable spiritual capital helps us today and will help in the future live and work in an atmosphere of sincere friendship and fraternity.
Creativity of outstanding celebrities in science, literature and art, which the Tajiks and Uzbeks are proud of, is rightfully the great spiritual heritage of our peoples.
Mavlono Jomi and Mir Alisher Navoi majestically stand in this circle.
The life path of these two great poets and thinkers, reflected in their rich artistic heritage, is the highest model of friendship and mutual respect of our peoples.
Mir Alisher Navoi, speaking of his attitude towards Abdurahmon Jomi, defined the spiritual and moral peculiarities and human qualities of his teacher as follows:
Ul safo ahli pok farjom-i,
Pokfarjomy pokfar Jomi.
Ul yaqin sori dastgir manga,
Qiblavu ustody pir manga.
At present we have the full favorable environment in place between our countries for free movement and comfortable communication of our citizens, their visits of their relatives and friends, tourist trips and trade. In this environment we need to double our efforts for the development and strengthening of creative values of our good neighborliness relations.
In this context, first and foremost the representatives of intelligentsia, particularly writers and poets, scholars and celebrities of culture need to play an invigorating role. We, in our turns, will support these noble ties between our peoples and countries thoroughly.
I also would like to highlight the importance of comprehensive development of tourism ties between our countries.
We need to do our utmost to further integrate our peoples into the values of the historical and cultural heritage of our countries.
One of the most important factors for strengthening of fraternal relations between our countries is the multifaceted trade and economic cooperation, and we are determined to further develop it.
We need to undertake further measures to establish even closer ties between our businesses by availing the mutually rewarding nature of our economies.
Excellency Shavkat Miramonovich!
Thanks to implementation of strategically right decision you made to conduct radical reforms in all areas we witness how the fraternal Uzbekistan has been changing before our eyes.
Lately Uzbekistan also became the initiator of a series of measures on strengthening friendship and fruitful cooperation between the countries of our region. The radical positive changes in this direction create a completely new environment for a constructive regional interaction.
Tajikistan, as a staunch supporter of the improvement of creative relations between the Central Asian countries, fully supports your forward looking policy, which you pursue in these issues from the initial days of your leadership in the friendly Uzbekistan.
At the conclusion, I would like to once again express my deep appreciation to Your Excellency, for creating the truly fraternal environment for us in the noble land of Uzbekistan and convey the heartfelt greetings of the Tajik people to the brotherly Uzbek people.
I am convinced that the cooperation of our countries will continue to develop steadily in all areas and sectors.
In this pathway, we will definitely ensure effective use of historical opportunities and resources in place through our joint efforts and by building on our strong will.
It is my firm belief that the relations between our states, which have taken the path of strategic partnership starting from today, are a harbinger of the happy future of the peoples of our countries!
The steps we have taken in this historic year towards strengthening and expanding the relations between our countries is only the beginning of ambitious future activities.
We will continue to work together, confidently stepping forward in the spirit of eternal friendship, sincere and mutual understanding between our peoples and will ensure peace and stability in our countries, their prosperity and progress.
This is our historical mission.
May I wish the participants of this meeting and the entire fraternal people of Uzbekistan peace, stability, happiness and further prosperity.
I wish you, dear Shavkat Miramonovich, continued health, success and grand achievements in your responsible state activities.
Tojikiston va Uzbekiston khalqlarining birodarlik rishtalari mustahkam va abadiy bulsin! Long live, be stronger and exist forever the fraternal ties between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan! Poyandavu bezavol bod dustivu barodarii khalqhoi tojiku uzbek!