Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon attended International Entrepreneurship Forum Dushanbe – 2018

The Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon addressed International Entrepreneurship Forum Dushanbe-2018. The forum’s theme this year is Development of Entrepreneurship and Investment and Contemporary Economic Trends.
The forum took place in State Entity “Kokhi Borbad”, Dushanbe on October 15 on the occasion of Fourth Anniversary of “Entrepreneur’s Day”.
Before the forum an exhibition of products of domestic entrepreneurs was held, where more than 50 local producers showcased their products to the audience.
Representatives of the country’s legislative bodies, members of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, heads of investment project implementation centers, senior representatives of international financial institutions and diplomatic missions in Dushanbe were invited to the forum.
The Forum participants also include development partners of Tajikistan, Tajik diaspora, representatives of 21 countries and domestic entrepreneurs, and in sum more than 2000 people.
International Entrepreneurship Forum Dushanbe-2018 has officially opened by the address of President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon.
Speech of the Head of State was focused on the most important aspects of the country’s economy, including the development of entrepreneurship and investment and the modernization of economic processes at the globalization stage, information and innovation technologies, the need for greater joint efforts of the international community for the rational use of opportunities and resources, the role of modern economic processes in increasing the effectiveness by ensuring transparency, quality, and range of goods and services in general, and sustainable development of the national economy.
Ms. Pratibha Mehta UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan, Mr. Neil McKain, and Regional Director for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Ms. Cassandra Colbert, Regional Director for the International Finance Corporation, Mr. Won Hee Kim, Chairman of Seoul Machinery, Jean-François Legrain, and Vice President of FIVES Group, Mr. delivered speeches at the opening part of the forum.
It was expressed with confidence that the results of the forum, indicated by the number of agreements, were aimed at strengthening the foundation of mutually beneficial economic and trade relations, ensuring economic growth and improving the well-being of the people of Tajikistan and the region, as well as the strengthening the common will regarding the use of the opportunities for the benefit of all the parties involved.
At the end, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, EmomaliRahmon, congratulated the entrepreneurs with the Fourth Anniversary of “Entrepreneurs Day”, and wished them fruitful work and success in their business.