President Emomali Rahmon Arrived in Norak

DUSHANBE, 20.03.2019. (NIAT Khovar) – On March 20, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon arrived in Norak. The trip’s aim was get acquainted with the socio-economic development of the city, the course of construction works and to take part in the festivities commemorating the international Navruz holiday.
During his visit, President Emomali Rahmon laid the foundation stone for the construction of a modern hotel, which will be built near the Norak hydroelectric station in a picturesque nook on the banks of the river Vakhsh. The four-story hotel will be built in an area encompassing approximately half a hectare by the Directorate of Construction of Government Facilities of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.
President Emomali Rahmon also visited the Norak Experimental Mechanical Plant and attended a ceremony for the opening of a 3 million somoni manufacturing rubber tile enterprise, with the production capacity of 35 square meters per day or 9,000 square meters per year. A new technological line for the production of rubber tiles was delivered from China.
President Emomali Rahmon became familiar with the works of the manufacturing enterprise equipped with new digital equipment for the production of decorative sheet metal. The 3.7 million somoni enterprise produces beams, billets and iron cladding. Its production capacity is around 3,000 tons of metal annually.
Later, President Emomali Rahmon visited the Norak industrial zone and attended a ceremony launching the first stage of the Hydromech Sanoat enterprise of Tajikhydromontazh. The company produces 1,000 tons hydromechanical equipment and metal structures for hydroelectric power plants every month.
Currently, Hydromech Sanoat employs 250 people. With the completion of the second and third stages of Hydromech Sanoat, the increase of its production capacity will increase the number of its employees.
Also in Norak, President Emomali Rahmon inaugurated the new 20-meter pillar with the national emblem atop, which was erected in an area encompassing 1570 square meters.
Likewise, President Emomali Rahmon laid the foundation stone for the construction of 10,000-seat sports field and held a meeting with its constructors.
According to the plan, the current football field will remain unchanged, but modern seating will be built around it. A new facility will be built in an area encompassing 4.3 hectares and along with the stands there will be new areas for training.
During Navruz celebrations, following ancient tradition, President Emomali Rahmon presented the 250 orphans who were brought together from the cities and districts of Khatlon province with gifts, including a certain sum, as well as summer and winter clothing. The children also took part in the dinner organized especially for them. President Rahmon congratulated the teenagers with the upcoming Navruz holiday and encouraged them to excel in their studies, behave in an exemplary manner, and to love and be loyal to their people and their homeland.
According to statistics, there are 648 registered orphans in the Khatlon region. The 400 orphans who were not present during today’s event will also be receiving their gifts.
Also in Norak, President Emomali Rahmon inaugurated the newly erected 50-meter-tall flag pole flying a 14-meter by 7-meter flag in another square.
In the course of the same day, President Emomali Rahmon unveiled the 7-meter-tall monument dedicated to the founder of the Tajik state, Ismoili Somoni. The statue was created by Mansur Majidov and Rustam Khojiboev with financial support from local entrepreneurs for the 30th anniversary of Tajikistan’s independence.