President Emomali Rahmon Lays the Foundation Stones for the Dushanbe Carpet Factory and the School for Intellectual Ability

DUSHANBE, 17.09.2019. (NIAT Khovar) – The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali laid the foundation stones for the constructions of a large carpet-weaving factory Kolinhoi Dushanbe and for the School for Intellectual Ability in metropolitan area of Shohmansur.
The factory, which will be financed by local businessmen, plans to employ 1000 people, and its production capacity is planned to reach 1.5 million square meters of carpets per year. The equipment for the factory will be delivered from the famous Vaudeville Company in Belgium. The factory’s construction will cost approximately 120 million somoni. It is expected that this industrial enterprise will be commissioned before the 30th anniversary of Tajikistan’s independence. More than 100 local specialists are involved in the construction work.
During his familiarization with the inspection project designs, President Emomali Rahmon instructed the responsible parties to attach particular importance to the production of import-substituting products, paying attention to their quality and seeking ways to increase export opportunities.
Praising the initiative of local entrepreneurs, he noted that the construction of a carpet factory in the capital will contribute to the successful implementation of the fourth important strategic goal of the government, which is rapid industrialization and creation of new jobs.
The School for Intellectual Ability will be able to accommodate 640 students and will also include a five-story residential building with 60 apartment units for teachers, and a five-story dormitory for 300 students. The school will be completed as part of the upcoming celebration of the 30th anniversary of state independence by 2021 with the involvement of more than 100 domestic specialists.