National Assembly’s Members Support Water and Transport Codes of Tajikistan

DUSHANBE, 20.03.2020. (NIAT Khovar) – Yesterday, the Members of the National Assembly of the Tajik Supreme Assembly discussed and supported Water and Transport Codes of Tajikistan, amendments and additions to the Economic Procedural Code and the Law on Public Services.
While commenting on the issues under discussion, National Assembly’s chairmen of the committees noted that with the adoption of the Water and Transport Codes, public relations in the field of water and transport in Tajikistan will be regulated. Additionally, amendments and additions to the Economic Procedural Code of Tajikistan are aimed at strengthening the economic court and, in general, the judicial power in the country.
Also, Prosecutor General Yusuf Rahmon presented report on monitoring the exact observance and uniform execution of laws in Tajikistan in 2019.
The MP also discussed and supported issues on the territorial administrative structure of Tajikistan, including on changing the borders of Dushanbe and Rudaki district, on changing the borders of Balkh and Halevard villages in Jaloliddin Balkhi district and resettlement of the administrative center of Halevard village to another place.
Also, according to the National Assembly’s resolutions, the Assembly’s First Deputy Chairman Rajabboy Ahmadzoda, Deputy Chairman Yodgor Fayzov, Chairmen of Committees Ozoda Rahmon, Farhod Rahimi, Muhammadyusuf Imomzoda, Rahmonali Amirzoda, Assembly’s Members Arambegim Mahtobshozoda, Mehrinisso Bobobekova, Kanoatsho Loikzoda, Sayohat Dadajonova, Nargis Rahmonova and Rahmon Shorahmatov were awarded honorary diplomas.