President Emomali Rahmon Makes New Appointments

DUSHANBE, 06.03.2020. (NIAT Khovar) – The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon held a meeting with the newly appointed government officials and officials of the General Prosecutor’s Office, Security Council and Ministry of Defense as well as that of the Agency for Finance State Control and Combating Corruption.
During the conversation, the head of state called on the newly appointed officials to serve honestly and faithfully for the benefit of the people, the homeland and the state.
«The biggest security threats and challenges facing the world, in particular terrorism, extremism and its various forms manifestations, anti-human actions and violations of security and stability of people demands that every citizen be vigilant and loyal to the homeland, the sacred land of our ancestors and the glorious people of Tajikistan” said President Emomali Rahmon.
By the presidential executive orders, Mahmadzoda Nasrullo who has served as the Prosecutor of Khatlon will, now serve as the Secretary of the Security Council, replacing Vatanzoda Mahmadali. Vatanzoda Mahmadali has been transferred to another appointment.
Rajabzoda Husniya, who has served as First Deputy Chairman of Murghob district of GBAO will now serve as the Chairman of Murghob district of GBAO, replacing Choshbaev Murzabay. Choshbaev Murzabay has been relieved of his position due to having reached the retirement age. Murzamat Abdulkayum has been appointed to the post of First Deputy Chairman of Murghob district of the GBAO.
Likewise, by presidential executive orders, Saidzoda Shohin has been appointed Director of the Education Management Agency under the President of Tajikistan, and Idizoda Fayzali to the post of head of the Presidential Executive office’s Science Education Department.
By governmental decrees, Abdurahmonzoda Abdurahmon will be serving as the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Bobozoda Khisrav — Deputy Minister of Defense, Khojazoda Tohir — Rector of the Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University, Azizzoda Hafiz — Chief of the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense and Abdullozoda Umeda — Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under Government of Tajikistan.
Prosecutors of Khatlon and Sughd Provinces, Chiefs of structural unit of the Tajikistan’s Ministry of Defence, heads of departments of the Agency for Finance State Control and Combating Corruption in Dushanbe, GBAO and Sughd Provinces and its central office have also been appointed.