President Emomali Rahmon Inaugurates a Number of Economic Facilities in Dushanbe
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DUSHANBE, 24.12.2020 (NIAT Khovar) – The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon took part in the opening ceremony of the second production line of the Dushanbe-based Vahdat Textiles and Firuz Binokor Modern Enterprise for manufacture of laminate flooring.
President Rahmon also attended the opening ceremony of the Asrori Sang decorative and gemstone-based processing and manufacturing enterprise, Huriya Ice Cream factory as well as the Cottonseed Oil Manufacturing Plant.
Speaker of the National Assembly, Mayor of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali, accompanied President Rahmon during this tour.
Vahdat Textiles’ first production line was launched in January this year. As a joint venture of Vahdat LLC and Ghayur Group, the company was created to promote the use of local raw materials, especially cotton fiber.
Introducing the second production line into operation will increase the production from 19.4 million pairs to 34 million pairs of men’s, women’s and children’s hosiery. The enterprise will also produce work gloves.
Vahdat Textiles is a 95% export-oriented company with its products expected to be exported to Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Firuz Binokor Modern Enterprise for the manufacture of laminate flooring was built by domestic entrepreneur Tolibjon Homidov within the framework of the implementation of the fourth strategic goal,- rapid industrialization of the country.
Its production capacity is 90.000 square meters of construction products, with a planned increase of 140,000 square meters.
Approximately 70% of raw materials used for the manufacture of laminate flooring are from Tajikistan.
Asrori Sang decorative and gemstone-based processing enterprise built by domestic entrepreneur Daler Sharifi produces more than 100 types of products from local natural stones, reflecting Tajik history, traditions and culture.
The annual capacity of the enterprise is 60,000 units. This figure is expected to increase with time, with plans to export part of the output to Russia, China and some European countries.
Ice Cream and Cottonseed Oil Manufacturing Plants, which were built by local entrepreneurs, followed the list.
The enterprise for the production of flour confectionery products was built by domestic entrepreneur Yakub Sharafov. The company produces four types of pasta. The installed equipment facilitates the production of up to 4 tonnes of products per day.
The Stone Service Enterprise which processes marble stones and granite has the production capacity of 150,000 square meters of decorative and building stones. In addition, the company plans to produce 10 types of products, such as decorative slabs of marble and granite, stone stairs, various ceramic tiles, columns and pillars, stones with artistic decor and so on.
The transport costs for the import of all types of decorative stones to Tajikistan quals to approximately $28 million yearly. In this context, by the instruction of President Emomali Rahmon, for the next five years, with the aim of wide processing of local stones of Tajikistan, such as marble, granite, and travertine, the needs of the domestic market will be fully satisfied, by increasing the export potential, the needs other CIS members will also be provided for.