President Emomali Rahmon Lays Foundation Stone for the Construction and Reconstruction of Bokhtar-Levakant and Levakant-Lolazor Highways
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DUSHANBE, 25.04.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – The Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, laid the foundation stone for the construction and reconstruction of the «Bokhtar — Levakant and Levakant — Lolazor highway section» of Bokhtar — Levakant — Dangara — Kulob international highway.
The construction and modernization of this section consists of 3 stages, the first stage is «Bokhtar — Levakant Motorway Section», the length of which is 9.72 kilometers and will be implemented at the cost of 22.81 million US dollars. After reconstruction, this road will be equal to technical category 1-B.
The construction and modernization of the second phase of the section is the Levakant-Lolazor highway section, which is 30.28 kilometers long and will be implemented at a cost of more than 19.62 million US dollars. After reconstruction, this road will be adjusted to technical category 3.
The construction and modernization of 3 sections of the Bokhtar-Levakant and Levakant-Lolazor highways were built with the grant funds of the Asian Development Bank, and 2 sections are being implemented by domestic companies.
The third stage is the construction and reconstruction of the Lolazor-Dangara road section, the length of which is 28.7 kilometers and will be implemented at the cost of 18.96 million US dollars. With completion of the reconstruction, this road will be equal to technical category 3.
During the presentation of the Project for the construction and modernization of the Bokhtar-Levakant and Levakant-Lolazor highways, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, was informed that the reconstruction of 4 bridges on this route is also planned. Out of this number, one road bridge in the second stage, which is the section Levakant-Lolazor, will be completely renovated.
At the same time, in the second phase of the implementation of this project, 28 water pipes, three transport stations, installation of lighting poles for a distance of more than 66 kilometers and installation of road signs are planned.
As part of the modernization of the Bokhtar-Levakant highway, the construction of 2 overpasses, 5 retaining walls with a total length of 554 meters, 5 water pipes, 25 transport stations, installation of reinforced concrete trays with a total length of 14.74 kilometers, outdoor lighting for a distance of 20.50 kilometers, as well as the installation of road signs and the construction of other necessary facilities are foreseen.
The main goal of the implementation of the Project for the construction and reconstruction of the Bokhtar-Levakant and Levakant-Lolazor highway is to ensure the safety and regular movement of vehicles, including the adaptation of the condition and geometric dimensions of the road to international standards, as well as to save time and fuel for transporting goods and products in all seasons of the year and creation of new jobs in the territory of the republic.
The customer of the project is the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan and its coordinator is the Center for the Implementation of Road Renewal Projects, and the main contractor is the Chinese company «Nanjing Communication Engineering Ltd Co.».
Honorable Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, while familiarizing himself with the project of construction and modernization of the Bokhtar-Levakant and Levakant-Lolazor highways, instructed the officials to reconstruct and modernize this road on the basis of international standards, so that it will serve the people for many years.
Now construction and reconstruction works have started on a separate section of the road, including at the junction of the Bokhtar-Levakant highway, and it is proceeding smoothly according to the plan.
During the construction works, 130 workers and specialists, including 20 foreign workers, are involved in the implementation of this project.
It is worth mentioning that the reconstruction of this highway is being implemented on the initiative of the Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon. In the future, imported and exported goods can be transported daily through this road.
Therefore, construction and reconstruction of the road is of great economic and social importance and lays a solid foundation for improving the standard of living of the population and the development of the country’s economy.
The road policy of the country’s top political leadership is bearing fruit step by step, and steady steps have been taken in this direction. The progress of construction works on this section of the road is constantly under the control of the state leadership and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. As this section of the road, which is considered the main part of the «Rehabilitation and improvement of the Bokhtar-Dangara highway», Bokhtar-Levakant and Levakant-Lolazor sections, its reconstruction and renovation will ensure the constant movement of residents throughout the year as well as the transportation of goods and products.
Every constructive step of the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon in the direction of construction and reconstruction of the road is a solid step to turn independent Tajikistan into a country with improved connectivity.
On the basis of this project, the reconstruction of the Dushanbe — Bokhtar — Levakant — Dangara — Kulob — Khorugh — Kulma international highway will be implemented. After getting acquainted with the progress of the work, the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon gave an order to start the implementation of the project of reconstruction of the Dangara-Guliston-Kulob and Dangara-Guliston-Farkhor highways.