President Emomali Rahmon Makes New Appointments
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DUSHANBE, 16.01.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon signed executive orders appointing Hokim Kholiqzoda as the First Deputy Prime Minister, relieving him from his previous post as Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan.
Firdavs Tolibzoda, who has previously served as the First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank, has been appointed as the Chairman of the National Bank.
Firuz Sharifzoda has been appointed the First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank.
By other Presidential Executive Orders, Abdullo Rahmonzoda has been appointed as the Assistant to President on Social Development and Public Relations Affairs, relieving him from his previous post as Chairman of the Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports. Zulfiqor Gulahmadzoda will now serve as the Chairman of the Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports.
Emomali Nasriddinzoda, who has previously served as the Assistant to President on Social Development and Public Relations Affairs, has been appointed as the Rector of the Tajik National University.
Qobiljon Khushvakhtzoda, who has previously served as the Rector of the Tajik National University, has been appointed as the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Farhod Rahimi will now serve as the Chairman of the Committee for Primary and Secondary Vocational Education under the Government of Tajikistan.
Additionally, Khurshed Fayzullozoda has been appointed as the Director of the Agency for Innovation and Technology under the President of Tajikistan, relieving him from his previous post as the First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Investment and State Property Management.
Dilshod Rahimi has been appointed Permanent Delegate of Tajikistan to the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Sirojiddin Ikromi has been appointed as Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan, relieving him from his previous post as the Chairman of the State Owned Enterprise ‘Savings Bank of Tajikistan “Amonatbank.” Alijon Salimzoda will now serve in his stead. Salimzoda will no longer be serving as the Deputy of the Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan.