President Emomali Rahmon attends inauguration ceremony of Diagnostic-Treatment and Stomatological Center in Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadoni

5 сентября, 2024 09:48

DUSHANBE, 05.09.2024 /NIAT Khovar/. On September 5, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadoni district, inaugurated a building of the Diagnostic-Treatment and Stomatological Center in the village of Faizobod, Dashtigulho village community.

The new healthcare facility was built to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan by local businessman Aziz Azizov with a modern architectural method that meets the requirements of dental standards at a cost of 7 million somoni.

During the introduction, it was informed that the new building of the Diagnostic-Treatment and Stomatological Center consists of two floors and has 16 rooms, including reception rooms, examination room, pharmacy, electrocardiogram (ECG), ultrasound examination, maxillofacial surgery, dentists, implantologist, an orthodontist and a laboratory for preparing teeth and disinfecting dental instruments.

The area of ​​this facility is 500 square meters; it was built in an abandoned area, and more than 50 local specialists were involved in the construction work.

Diagnostic and treatment and stomatological center of Fayzabad village, Dashtigulho village is located 14 kilometers away from the district center, where 30 specialists, including 10 highly educated doctors and 12 mid-level medical workers, have permanent and well-paid jobs.

The center is equipped with modern devices and equipment for dental diagnosis and treatment.

The services of this center are intended for residents of 12 surrounding villages, which make up more than 25 thousand people. Taking into account the availability of conditions and extensive personnel and technical capacity, it is possible to provide medical services to residents of other cities and districts.

Until this time, the residents had to go to other places for several types of medical services in the field of dentistry, because there were no such modern equipment and laboratories for diagnosis, treatment, measurement and molding of teeth and other intricacies of the field of work in this area.

It was informed that with the support of the social policy of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the guidance of the Honorable Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon, all services in this center are provided free of charge to orphans, lonely people, veterans of war and labor and other needy sections of the society.

The building of the center in the village community of Dashtigulho of Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadoni district was built with a beautiful and unique design of the health care sector, the road around it is paved, the sidewalks are covered with tiles and decorated with colorful flowers and bushes.

The building itself and the streets around it are illuminated, and at night it is also beautiful.

5 сентября, 2024 09:48

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