President Emomali Rahmon participated in ceremony for commissioning of the Khovaling central hospital

5 сентября, 2024 15:35

DUSHANBE, 05.09.2024 /NIAT Khovar/. On September 5, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, inaugurated in the community of Khovaling town of Khovaling district the new building of the Central Hospital by lifting the curtain from the commemorative plaque.

The construction of the new building of the Hospital was carried out within the framework of the implementation of the «Project for the improvement of medical services for mothers and children» with the amount of 3 million 410 thousand US dollars. The construction works of this medical institution started in September 2022 and ended in August 2024.

In the course of construction, engineers and builders of the «Stroy Center» company used high-quality domestic construction materials and followed standard requirements and norms.

The new healthcare facility consists of 3 buildings — a three-story main building, a basement, two two-story buildings, a boiler room, a fuel storage facility, a water pressure tower, an electric transformer with a capacity of 250 kW/h, a diesel generator with a capacity of 200 kW/h, and auxiliary facilities.

In the Central Hospital, the activities of the department of admission of adults and the department of admission of minors with the coverage of 80 beds have been launched, and in this context, the departments of internal medicine, surgery, emergency care, childbirth, support and administration have been prepared for service.

Along with the construction of the new building of the Central Hospital, this institution was equipped with modern medical devices and equipment such as digital X-ray, oxygen generators, ultrasound diagnostic device, electrocardiogram, modern equipment for kidney diagnosis and treatment, bioanalyzer, artificial respiration devices, autoclave and sanitary equipment.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Honorable Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon gave useful recommendations to the hospital staff in order to further improve their qualification level, increase the quality of medical services to the population, and have good communication and high responsibility in their work.

The Central Hospital, equipped with modern medical devices and equipment, contributes to the improvement of the infrastructure of the network of health institutions of the district and serves patients for timely detection, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

Honorable Emomali Rahmon presented two ambulances to the hospital staff in order to develop the health care infrastructure and provide timely and high-quality medical care.

The courtyard of the hospital has been greened, and more than 105 ornamental trees, shade trees, flowers and bushes have been planted there.

As soon as the new building of the Central Hospital in Khovaling district was put into operation, 125 medical workers were provided with jobs.

Specialists and employees of the health institution can ensure the stability and access of the population to treatment by introducing standards of medical services for diagnosis and treatment.

5 сентября, 2024 15:35

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