President Emomali Rahmon visits Rogun HPP’ engine room

27 сентября, 2024 15:58

DUSHANBE, 27.09.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On September 27, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, and the Chairman of the Majlisi milli Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mayor of Dushanbe, Honorable Rustam Emomali, visited the engine room of the facilities of «Rogun» HPP.

First, the Leader of the Nation visited the permanent working shaft, which is now placed in the assembly area.

It was reported that this working shaft has been acquired to replace the working shaft of temporary units 5 and 6, and after the completion of this work, the capacity of each will be increased from 200 to 400 megawatts.

Now employees and specialists are accelerating the construction and assembly works in other power units with strong determination and hope for an even brighter future for Tajikistan.

A turbine stator with a total weight of 269 tons, a spiral chamber with a total weight of 200 tons is installed in the crater of unit No. 4.

During the visit of President Emomali Rahmon it became known that around the pipe bend, cone and spiral chamber, the weight of the closed reinforcement is 380 tons, and the concrete placed is 9 thousand 579 cubic meters.

The foundation anchors of the servomotors of the directional devices have been installed, and the reinforcement and concreting works are in progress.

In the crater of unit No. 3, a pipe bend and a cone of a suction pipe were installed, and reinforcement and concreting works were carried out up to the level of 948 meters.

In the horizontal section of the suction pipe of hydraulic units 3 and 4, construction works are ongoing, and the pipe bend and cone of the suction pipe of hydraulic unit No. 2 were placed in the crater of the hydraulic unit.

Reinforcement and concreting works around the pipe bend and the cone of the suction pipe of hydraulic unit 2 have reached the level of 948, and the installation of the pipe bend of the suction pipe of hydraulic unit No. 1 has been leveled at the level of 948 meters, and continues between the craters of hydraulic units No. 2 and 3.

Currently, construction works are underway in the crater of hydraulic unit No. 1, excavation of rocks up to the level of 247 meters has been carried out.

It should be emphasized that every working visit of the Leader of the Nation to this huge energy facility gives fresh energy to the employees and engineers, and they contribute to speeding up the construction of «Rogun» HPP with responsibility and a high sense of patriotism.

With the commissioning of the next units of the power plant, steady steps will be taken towards the implementation of the strategic goal of Tajikistan – achieving energy independence.

Here, the Leader of the Nation was informed about the operation of the first two units of the power plant. According to the information, units 5 and 6 have produced 7.6 billion kilowatt hours of environmentally friendly electricity since the beginning of their operation and transferred it to the energy system of the country.

Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon, while familiarizing himself with the progress of work in the engine room, which is one of the main facilities of Rogun HPP, highly evaluated the quality of the construction works and gave specific instructions for the expansion of the remaining works.

During the visit to Rogun Hydroelectric Power Station, the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon was also accompanied by the Honorable Prime Minister of the country Kokhir Rasulzoda and leadership of relevant ministries and agencies.

27 сентября, 2024 15:58

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