President Emomali Rahmon attended inauguration ceremony of Center for Digitization of Transport Sector, Regional Center for Transport Diplomacy and Institute for Design Research of Transport Facilities in Dushanbe
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DUSHANBE, 29.10.2024 /NIAT “Khovar”/. On October 29, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, and the Chairman of the Majlisi milli Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mayor of Dushanbe, Rustam Emomali, put in commission on the basis of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan, the State Unitary Enterprise «Center for Digitization of Transport Sector», Regional Center for Transport Diplomacy and SUE «Institute for Design Research of Transport Facilities».
First, the Head of State Emomali Rahmon got acquainted with the operation of the State Unitary Enterprise «Center for Digitization of Transport Sector». This facility was established on the basis of the instructions and orders of the Honorable Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon within the framework of the implementation of digitalization of the road and transport sectors.
With the implementation of the digital control system, it became possible to regulate the movement of vehicles even in the most remote areas.
Out of 30 digitization modules available in the Ministry, 13 modules such as equipping road construction machinery with GPS and monitoring their effective operation, as well as prevention of heavy traffic through modern dynamic scales connected to the center, are currently being implemented.
Honorable Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon was informed that the establishment of a contact center with the shortened number 8808 was agreed to improve the work and service, and it offers the process of obtaining licenses, permits, waybills, availability of cargo or requirements for a vehicle for cargo transportation.
The contact center allows to receive orders from all corners of the country and abroad in terms of freight, passenger, receipt and shipment and timely execution.
The center consists of the Departments of the Road Asset Management System, the Department of Programmers and Information Security, the Department of Intelligent Transportation System known worldwide as ITS, and Digital Logistics, and each department depending on the area of its activity particularly enables the full inventory and certification of road assets, programming of industry digitization modules and the implementation of all programs based on the requirements of 30 industry modules.
The electronic system of the center is connected with the window of the Tax Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Innovation Agency, and is favorable for simplifying the process of transport services.
In addition, all cargo vehicles and cargo locations are electronically stored in the database and covered with services according to the orders of customers and entrepreneurs.
In this context, significant progress has been made in the direction of international cooperation.
Currently, close cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been established, and cargo is available from water ports without hindrance and at a low price.
In general, the activity of the center allows all transport services, statistical reports, analysis and planning to be provided electronically and transparently, and the acts of corruption and the hidden economy are significantly reduced.
Young specialists have been recruited at the State Unitary Enterprise «Center for Digitization of Transport Sector».
Suhrobzoda Sabrina is one of such young and promising specialists who developed the computer program «Single Platform of Transport Sector».
All 30 modules that are supposed to work in this center work through the program developed by this talented Tajik young woman.
Honorable Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, praised the activities of this skilled woman and called her an excellent role model for other Tajik girls and young people, and emphasized that this is the result of the care of the Tajik Government and educated parents for the quality education and upbringing of children, especially young women and girls.
President Emomali Rahmon also became familiar with the activity of the Regional Center for Transport Diplomacy, the main purpose of which is to prepare specialists and experts of the international level to participate in negotiations, that is, to increase the level of their diplomatic knowledge in order to present, promote and protect the transport interests of the country, as well as to build up the republic’s transportation position in the region.
In order to promote activities in cooperation with the Regional Center for Transport Diplomacy to attract foreign investment with development partners, and at the same time, to develop mutual cooperation with the countries of Central Asia, it is decided to attract qualified experts from neighboring and partner countries as coordinators of further programs and to set up beneficial cooperation for the development of a unified regional transportation policy.
The laboratory of the SUE «Center for Design Research of Transport Facilities» started operating after renovation in the Ministry of Transport with the participation of the Honorable Head of State, Emomali Rahmon.
The laboratory includes sections for testing concrete and sand and gravel, asphalt and gravel, chemical materials, environmental testing and pre-design works, which are equipped with new and modern equipment.
Now, in addition to this laboratory, it has at its disposal two more mobile laboratories equipped with all the necessary diagnostic equipment and accessories, modern reconnaissance georadar, which further improves its capabilities in conducting testing and monitoring activities.
Necessary modern equipment and the intellectual capacity and skills of employees in the field of design allow the laboratory to conduct tests on determining the physical and mechanical properties of soil, concrete, iron and concrete products, asphalt, oil bitumen, mineral powder, gravel, sand, water, and rock, and to provide figures, evidence and necessary information to the designers.
More than 100 types of test operations are carried out within the framework of tests using conventional traditional and modern technological equipment in various ways, from the selection, separation and access of sample materials to the presentation of conclusions.
Also, at the entrance of the Ministry of Transport, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, visited the exhibition of modern road construction and control technology and equipment.
New up-to-date structures have adapted the system of operation and the process of services in the field of road and transport to international standards and are a factor of steady development, which are continuously marked with visible achievements.