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National Anthem

on the National Anthem of the Republic of Tajikistan
1. The National Anthem of the Republic of Tajikistan, as a symbol of the statehood of a sovereign, democratic, legal state, is an exponent of the inviolability of the friendship and brotherhood of all the peoples and nationalities of the country. It is a sacred duty of every citizen to duly respect the Law «On the National Anthem of the Republic of Tajikistan».
2. The National Anthem is performed:
 At the opening and the closing sessions of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, sessions of the people’s delegates of Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, other oblasts, cities and districts, at the formal meetings and other events, jubilee meetings declared by law as national and republican.
 At the beginning of the TV and radio broadcasting of the programs devoted to the national holidays: January 1 — New Year; March 8 — International Women’s Day; March 21-22 — Idi Navruz; September 9 — Independence Day of the Republic of Tajikistan; November 6 — Constitution Day.
 Daily, at the beginning and closing of the national radio broadcasting.
 At convening jubilee and other formal ceremonies held by the state institutions, public associations, enterprises, offices and collectives in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.
 At the formal opening ceremonies of monuments, sculptures, memorial desks and other similar building structures; celebrations of the most important national and state events relating to the history of the people; in honor of the famous political, state and military figures, national heroes, prominent representatives of science, literature and culture.
 At the conferment ceremonies of Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, other oblasts, districts, cities, regions, enterprises, institutions and organizations.
 At the National Flag raising ceremony and other formal events held by the state and public associations, institutions and enterprises.
 At the welcome and departure ceremonies of heads of states and governments of other countries on a formal visit to our country, and after the performance of the National Anthem of the visiting country.
 The National Anthem is performed by an orchestra, a choir and an orchestra, or by other voice and instrumentalist orchestra. A taped performance is also allowed on these occasions. In case of a voice performance of the National Anthem of the Republic of Tajikistan, instrumental part is performed continuously; in an instrumental performance — the beginning of the Anthem is performed with the single refrain performance.
The text of the National Hymn should be exact and should correspond to the words and music as stated in the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On the National Anthem of the Republic of Tajikistan» ratified on September 7, 1994 by the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan.
 Participants of conventional events are standing when listening to National Anthem.


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