Expanded meeting of the Government of Tajikistan

Dushanbe, 21. 01. 2016 (NIAT «Khovar») .- This morning, an expanded meeting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan began under the chairmanship of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, and Head of the Government of the country H.E. Mr. Emomali Rahmon.
At an enlarged meeting of the Government the results of socio-economic development in 2015 and the main objectives for 2016 will be reviewed.
The expanded meeting is being held with the participation of management and members of the Government of the country, heads of departments under the President and the Government, other central bodies of structural units of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, national enterprises and institutions, chairmen of regions, cities and districts, heads of institutions of higher education, centers for the implementation of investment projects, joint-stock banks, official newspapers, magazines, and other officials.
Meeting of the Government will pay attention to the ways to reduce the negative impact of external factors on the Tajik economy and to increase domestic production, export potential and job creation, complete and high quality execution of the state budget, prudent use of budget funds, and reduction of secondary costs.
At the beginning of the enlarged meeting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Prime Minister Qohir Rasulzoda reported on the results of socio-economic development in 2015.
It was emphasized that despite the negative impact of external factors on the national economy, through the implementation of several measures, the population of Tajikistan has reached significant results in 2015.
In 2015, the GDP has been increased by 6% to 48.4 billion somoni and over this period 450 million somoni was allocated to support the state budget.
The Government of the country allocated 15.7 billion Somoni for the social development of national economy. During the period of 2015, the revenues of the Social Security tax areimplemented by 82%, and255 million Somoni haven’t been received to budget. The balances of loans as of December 1, 2014 amounted to 653 million somoni.
At the meeting of the Government of the country the Minister of Finance Abdusalom Kurboniyon and Chairman of the Tax Committee Nusratullo Davlatzoda have also reported.
The President of country Emomali Rahmon expressed his concern regarding the failure of the forecast figure of cotton production, one of the ways to create new jobs, unsecured plan of tax revenues, poor collection of payments for electricity and requested strengthen control in order to eliminate the shortcomings.
Also, in order to prevent the use of various home-made heating devices and energy efficiency, it was instructed to connect all government agencies by the heating systemto the end of 2016.
Then, the Chief of the Customs Service Abdufattoh Ghoib, Director of the Agency for social insurance and pensions Safarali Nadjimiddinov and Director of the Agency for State Financial Control and Combating Corruption Rustam Emomali reported about the results of their activity for 2015.
At the meeting of Government, the Head of the National Bank of Tajikistan Nurmuhammadzoda Jamshed reported on measures related to the improvement of the banking system, the national currency, and attracting foreign investments, the Minister of Industry and New Technologies, Shavkat Bobozoda reported on industrial activities, the creation of new departments, as well as the Minister of Energy and Water Resources Usmonali Usmonzoda, Chairman of the OSHC “Barki Tojik” Mirzo Ismoilzoda reported on energy situation in the country and measures related to the prevention of the loss of electricity, collection of payments for consumed electricity and General Director of Joint Stock Company «Roghun» Khairullo Safarzoda, and Transport Minister Sherali Gandjalzoda did also provide their reports.
The report of the Minister of Agriculture Zokirzoda Mahmadtoir, Chairman of the State Committee on Investments and State Property Management Qodiri Qosim, Minister of Education and Science Nuriddin Said, Minister of Health and Social Protection Nusratullo Salimzoda were also provided during the meeting.
President Emomali Rahmon gave concrete instructions on agricultural development, attract foreign investment, and improve the level of training and education, improve the quality of care.
In the second part of the meeting the reports of chairmen of regions, cities and districts of the country, as well as the Attorney General of the country was heard.
In the report of the Chairman of Badakhshan Region Shodikhon Jamshed special attention were paid to the creation and improvement, especially reconstruction of residents houses , social and infrastructure facilities affected by the earthquake, which occurred in December last year.
In addition, specific targets for the expansion of the construction work on the numerous facilities that will be built at the expense of the state budget in the city of Khorog and districts of this remote area were put in front of decision-makers.
In the report of the Chairman of the Khatlon region Davlatshoh Gulmahmadzoda has expressed concern about the reduction in the area of planting cotton crop of the main agricultural crops. The Chairman of this Region assured that this year the situation will be corrected. Notable results of 2015 in the city of Nurek and Khovaling were called out of state subventions and the transition to self-sufficiency in these regions.
The report of the Chairman of Sughd region Abdurahmon Qodiri paid attention on the development of national industry and home crafts. In particular, it was emphasized thatthe development of industryin 2015reached by 122% and136carpet weavingcenters, workshops for the production of Atlas (silk) and Adras were created.
In addition,in 2015 the land reform was completed in Sughdand42 thousand small dehkan farms were created on the basis oflarge farms. Duringthe period of 2015a total of 90 mln somoni was spent for improvement of 6300km roads.
At the report of the Chairman of Dushanbe city Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloyev, it was particularly emphasized that in 2015, the socio-economic development of the city was provided by 110%. During the year 2015, 83 new industrial enterprises with 2883 job placesstarted operation in the city of Dushanbe.
Also to the chairmen of cities and districts of the republican subordination were assigned specific tasks to improve the performance indicators in the sectors of potato, horticulture, viticulture, vegetable production, including the construction of greenhouses, expand production of early vegetables, as well as to strengthen the work in other areas of activity.
The report of the Prosecutor General Rahmon Yusufi had thoroughly analyzed the criminal situation in the country. Particular attention was paid to the consequences of crime among young people, the involvement of some individuals in terrorist and extremist movements, which purposefully stray emissaries of criminal organizations and movements.
In addition, an important part of the report of the Prosecutor General of the country included the fight against economic and corruption crimes, prevention of misuse and misappropriation of budgetary funds.
At the end of the meeting the President of the country Emomali Rahmon delivered speech in which he identified the primary challenges and current issues of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.
It was once again noted to effectively use the existing resources and capabilities as well as the capacity of the glorious people of the country to reduce the influence of external negative factors in the socio-economic and cultural life of Tajikistan and the sustainable development of the country.