Leader of the Nation Attended XIXth Session of the Consultative Council on Improvement of Investment Climate

DUSHANBE, 20.02.2019. (NIAT Khovar) – On February 20, 2019 the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon took part in the XIXth Session of the Consultative Council on Improvement of Investment Climate under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon raised issues related to the implementation of measures for large-scale use of energy capacity in various sectors of the economy jointly with trade partners and countries of the region, improving the country’s position in the Doing Business report, developing regulatory documents on estimation of effectiveness of existing investment incentives, strengthening the process of introducing advanced information technologies into the activities of state bodies, improving the state business regulation and other issues.
In regard with the first issue report of Farrukh Hamralizoda — the Council’s Executive Secretary and Chairman of the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan was heard on the results of monitoring of implementation of decisions of 18-th Consultative Council’s sessions.
Particularly it has been informed on introduction of electronic civil registration and digitalization of the database, development and submission of the draft Government Action Plan on Improvement of the country’s position in the ranking of the Doing Business report in a new edition, introduction of online state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, payment of state duty for state registration and taxes with the use of a national card, VISA and MASTERCARD, launching the electronic system of the Unified State Collateral Register for registering pledges of movable property and adopting a package of laws within secured transaction system reform, introducing amendments and modifications to the Tax Code and Customs Code envisaging in total 30 incentives to improve investment and business climate.
Concerning to the second issue of the Session Minister of finance of the Republic of Tajikistan – Qahhorzoda Faiziddin delivered speech and presented results of analysis on taxation and customs system and effectiveness of offered intensives
The third issue of the agenda has been devoted to results of the analyses on improvement of investment and business climate in education and science sectors in regard with which Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, Nuriddin Said delivered presentation.
On the last issue of the Session agenda the Council’s Executive Secretary — Farrukh Hamralizoda spoke and proposed issues on analyzing the cluster development in agriculture sector as well as improvement of investment climate in IT and telecommunications sector for consideration in subsequent sessions of the Council, that have been supported by all participants.
Also in regard with considering and discussing the issues of the session’s agenda Minister of Justice, Rustam Shohmurod, UNDP Resident Representative in Tajikistan, Pratibha Mehta, World Bank Country Director in Tajikistan, Jan Peter Olters, UNICEF Representative in Tajikistan, LucianoCalestini, members of the Council from private sector, Executive Director of Union of Craftsmen of Tajikistan, Nigina Ikromova, LLC “Behamto” Director, Islomiddin Hakimov, LLC “Rohnamo” Gymnasium Director, Hakimniyo Ilhomiddin and others.